Thursday, December 25, 2008

Severe Conflict of Interest in Oliver's Healthcare in Wenatchee (April 4, 2008)

Read the following email by the Wenatchee speech therapists. The "Pediatric Therapy Center" is a division of the hospital that knew I was suing them for my and my son's injuries. It is run through Central Washington Hospital. A total conflict of interest. Is it any wonder, why my son never got an MRI while he was in state care in Wenatchee? Wenatchee CPS worked with local doctors to blame my son's problems on me and refused to investigate further, knowing if other evidence turned up,it not only would clear me, but could point a finger at them:

Subject: RE: From Oliver Garrett's Mother
> > Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 11:00:48 -0700
> > From:
> > To:
> > CC:; TomasC@ATG.WA.GOV
> >
> > Cameo,
> >
> > I spoke with Janelle Bersch at the Pediatric Therapy Center regarding
> > Oliver's speech therapy assessment. I told her about Oliver possibly
> > having a head trauma at birth and about your desire for him to have an
> > MRI. She said that even if Oliver is in need of other services, speech
> > therapy services may still be warranted. When someone has limited
> > speech, no matter what the cause, speech therapy can be helpful.
> >
> > This is not to say that other services may also be warranted at some
> > point, but the appointment for Oliver to be assessed for speech therapy
> > will not be cancelled. It has been identified that he may have a speech
> > delay that needs further assessment and therefore we would be negligent
> > not to follow through on that for him.
> >
> > We have already rescheduled Oliver's appointment once so that you can
> > attend. It will not be cancelled or rescheduled again at this point
> > without a court order.
> >
> > If you cannot behave in a manner that allows Oliver's assessment to take
> > place, you will be asked to leave. This appointment is about Oliver and
> > his needs.
> >
> >
> > Marie Scanlon
> > Social Worker III
> > Wenatchee DCFS
> > (509) 667-6142
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: cam huegenot []
> > Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 7:40 PM
> > To: Leah Harris
> > Cc: Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA); Caballero, Tomas (ATG)
> > Subject: RE: From Oliver Garrett's Mother
> >
> >
> >
> > Leah,
> >
> > I do not want anyone from your organization involved with my son
> > further. You've had 3 meetings with my son, and have evaluated him with
> > delayed communication, giving him tests and point scores (30 out of 50)
> > and a number of other things.
> >
> > Are you telling me someone from your organization even TRIED to contact
> > me? I am quite certain that if you or anyone else had said they would
> > like to speak with me, regarding my son, you could have done so and
> > either Marie or my aunt would have provided you with my contact
> > information.
> >
> > My aunt's recollections of your visits differ from what you and Marie
> > are now telling me has been going on, without my approval, consent,
> > knowledge, or consultation.
> >
> > You have been involved in my son's life for over 1 1/2 months and you're
> > saying you asked for my contact information and didn't receive it?
> >
> > You claim your staff will treat both me and my son "with respect" and
> > yet you HAVE already tested him for a number of things, giving him
> > "scores" and recommending your "treatment plan", which suddenly seems to
> > have changed.
> >
> > My aunt says this next visit was going to be further "evaluations" and
> > that your staff was going to begin "working with him" about his speech.
> >
> > NOW, after my aunt has been told you're both speech therapists, and
> > Marie said the same, you're telling me you're just "family resource
> > coordinators" who have barged into my family's life and started
> > "assessing" my son for "delays" which, no doubt, the AG and CPS have
> > only hoped could be used for ammunition against ME, by claiming any
> > "delays" are caused by negligence.
> >
> > CPS and the AG purposefully kept this information from me, and have
> > refused to give notice and copies of records. They have also refused to
> > allow my son to be evaluated by MRI for any brain injury or birth
> > trauma, which cannot be excluded in any kind of cognitive or other
> > evalution.
> >
> > You could have contacted me and didn't. You made assessments and gave
> > tests without my knowledge and consent, knowing his own mother would
> > have information about her own son.
> >
> > Are you even "speech therapists" at this point? as I was told by CPS?
> > or has this changed too?
> >
> > I repeat, I do NOT consent to any further evaluation or visits of my son
> > and strongly object to any interference, based on what has already
> > happened, and the fact that I was NOT respected, and my son's rights
> > have also been ignored as he is currently being denied diagnostics he
> > needs.
> >
> > I've already told doctors in Wenatchee about my concerns about my son,
> > and WE were ignored. Which is a big reason we left for Canada. Canada
> > treated us better with regard to my son's medical needs, as non-citizens
> > (even willing to provide free services for my son) than any of you have,
> > and now it seems there is a scramble to get evaluations in place for the
> > benefit of the state and not my son.
> >
> > I want my son evaluated by a speech therapist of my choosing, not yours,
> > or Wenatchee's. I also want an MRI for my son. After these things are
> > done, if you would like to provide supplementary "support" services, I'd
> > be happy to speak with you with an "open mind".
> >
> > For the record, I do NOT consent to the next appointment. I object, and
> > want it rescheduled until the next hearing where I may appeal to the
> > judge in this case.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Cameo
> >

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