Saturday, December 27, 2008

CPS Endangerment of My Son in Mexico

Yes, I'm writing in my blog. Which I wasn't going to do. But some important things happened, and if I don't write now, I won't remember to write later. The whole discovery about my and my son's pigment stuff, plus new miscarriage stuff, and other discoveries, have come all at once. Listening to Kylie Minogue's "Somewhere Over the Rainbow".

Tonight, I got ahold of my grandfather and expressed my concerns about my son being in Mexico, and actually, for once, out of everyone, he was the most decent to me. I think it's because he knows the reality of my concerns like the others don't, because he knows some of his workers were involved in drug industry and how things go in Mexico (or here) sometimes, and he knew Nacho, the guy who I knew, who was killed.

I told them I wanted to get the message to them to bring my son back immediately and sooner than later, and not to think everything is just "fine".

It was totally irresponsible and wrong for them to take my son out of the country, especially with all the things I've had going on, and at least some of those things, my grandfather is partially aware of.

First, I don't want to offend Mexico as a country or anyone there. If I could live anywhere, safely, I would love to live in Mexico with my son. And I have no illusions about the safety of the U.S. anymore. There is a great facade of "safety" here that enough people have realized is only an illusion. People get away with serious crime here, all the time. But anyone in Mexico, and here too, would agree with me...there are some problems there now.

Is it not true, kidnappings are at an all-time high, the drug industry and cartels are in-fighting, women are buried in what is almost mass grave sites near the border and no one knows who is doing this, and numerous dangerous leaks between the U.S. and Mexico have occured.

Aside from this general climate, where anyone could think maybe taking my son would be a great idea to get ransom from my grandparents (though I don't know that anyone in my family would put my son first over money so it would probably be useless), I have been involved with people who I learned, second-hand, were directly involved in some kind of cartel.

One of my friends, Nacho, was basically killed on a hit order, I believe. The Yakima police thought it was just a drug deal gone wrong, but there were no drugs or money and I believe the witness that was there, Nacho's girlfriend. The guy who killed Nacho, came IN from Mexico through the Californian border and went to Yakima, met Nacho, and killed him in a "meeting". It wasn't like this guy was living in the area for years. It was more like a directed hit. And THIS, about 1-2 weeks after I gave some information to the FBI to protect people, not to get ANYONE killed or in trouble. Based on information I gave others, some people could have thought Nacho was the father of my son. That was impossible, but no one knew this. So I was indirectly connected.

Not only that, the guys I reported with the FBI, Bujanda and Garza, are Mexican, and have Mexican contacts, and Bujanda told me his whole family was high up in the Mexican mafia and then he turned his own father in. Yeah great, so his son does what he does, along with Garza, to me, and is probably not "out" of his mafia, and it is possible my son and I could have been targeted by people from his family or his mafia, because the other thing some people thought, was that maybe Bujanda was the father which was also not possible. But I was right in the middle of trying to hold the FBI and Portland police accountable for covering up what had happened with Bujanda and Garza, and just as I was realizing it was obstruction of justice essentially, my son and I are the targets of magnetic pulse and my son cannot speak anymore? There were dirty people in the FBI, and I'm not blaming the whole FBI because there are some good people there. But the wrong ones, were the ones keeping tabs on me, and making sure they were in charge of anything having to do with me.

So really, is my son any safer in the U.S.? Apparently not, when no one even investigates or tries to do diagnostics to determine if what I say is true. No one cares. So maybe I'm wrong to think Mexico is more dangerous. Who knows. There may even be groups that would love to kidnap my son FOR ME, just to reunite us because they believe in me and care about my son.

All I know, is that my son was taken out of the country with ZERO protection and ZERO notice or questions asked, to ME, his mother, who should have been FUCKING notified.

The other thing is that the father of my son lives in Mexico. I trust him. And he has trusted me and he even wanted to put me and my son up, to live in Mexico nearby, work in a store, and have a large house, because he said, money goes farther there. The father cared about the interests of both me and my son and wanted us to be together. I almost did it, but I was a little afraid because I know nothing about Mexico except people say not to go there unless you know someone or have friends because of banditos. I had some concern that if someone in his family decided THEY wanted my son, they might try to take him or kidnap him, and I'd have no recourse. I know the father's family has some connections with police and I think some drug trafficking but I don't think they're "bad guys" at all. I know the father and I are on very good terms but still, you don't know who is who, and one group that decides to ambush and kidnap, is not going to be outnumbered or overpowered by the Avilas.

It was absolutely WRONG for Judge Hotchkiss and Wenatchee CPS to authorize the taking of my son out of the country. If anything happens to my son, they will have the biggest fat-ass lawsuit they have ever seen. They still have a fat-ass lawsuit coming their way, because one way or the other, I am going back to Wenatchee, and people are going to pay. They are not just going to pay through exposure after I write my book about what they did to all these poor children whose parents were taken away on false allegations, they are going to pay if I am ever WITHOUT my son, because if my son, for whatever reason, is taken out of my guardianship with a termination of my parental rights, I will not hang my head, cry, and fall apart. I would then become the fiercest adversary they have ever known, through my activism, and I will not only come back to sue their asses for what they did to me, I will come back with money and start suing their asses for every single thing wrong they do to others, and I will fucking set up SHOP in their town, and keep the informants coming to me, and protect them, and start setting the record STRAIGHT. I will fight for every single person they try to screw. So basically, anyway you look at it, Wenatchee is screwed. They are actually better off backing down and putting my son back into my care so I don't have TIME to go after them, but no, as long as my son isn't with me, they get nothing but HELL and WAR from me. That is a promise, and my son knows, I do not make promises I cannot keep. I would do it, with my son in mind, knowing he will come back to me eventually and that in the meantime, I am avenging him for what they've done.

My grandfather, hearing my concerns, acted reasonable. Who knows what he said behind my back, but at least over the phone, he sounded sincere and wants to put me in touch with someone who knows what's going on. Granny said, overhearing (mabye because I was on speakerphone), "Oh yeah, they have Al Queda over there", mocking me. Which of course, is horrible, and I just think I never want to speak to her again and am reminded of how horrible she can be but then I remind myself, she never used to be like this, and it's Alzheimers. I constantly have to remember this so I'm not so upset and hold it against her. She goes in and out of being sweet, now, and I have to remember not to be mad. It's hard sometimes. I was glad to hear, though, earlier today, that she got a computer. I was really excited for her and told her she's going to love it.

The other person in the background that tried to discredit what I was saying about Nacho's killer, tried to dispute he came in from Mexico. I think he wanted to say he was from Yakima. But the newspaper article and the police I talked to, and his girlfriend all confirm he came in from Mexico first, and then traveled over.

If my family or CPS had actually consulted me, they would have understood there were serious things to be concerned about. But no, they were negligent--all of them, and did a bad and wrong thing, and if my son comes home OKAY they were still wrong. They put my son at unnecessary risk, and I'M the ONE who has to tell them this, the one they claim, falsely, put her own son 'at risk' with a mental illness they told everyone I have, that I don't even fucking have.

Aside from information I have, that even my grandfather is aware of, in part, CPS makes no attempt to keep abreast of daily news and what is going on in the world. If they did, they would have known about all the recent kidnappings. If they did, they would have known that one of the very top intelligence and law enforcement officials was made to step down after it was discovered at least 200 people died because of leaks that came through him or his agency, through some database on drug trafficking that the U.S. and Mexico share in an international "war on drugs" attempt to coordinate efforts; the U.S. has even broken several ties recently and refuses to give out information now because of the realization many of the hits are coming from the very top, from sophisticated officials. There are plenty of people who DO read the news who know this. But not the Wenatchee CPS, or they just don't care about one boy named Oliver Garrett. It seems to me, they don't care what happens to him as much as they care about punishing me for offending them and their friends. If they read the news, they would know something is wrong, when NO ONE, in Mexico OR the U.S., makes any determined and concerted effort to figure out why so many women are being buried near the borders.

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, when massive numbers of WOMEN just "disappear" and are found buried in the same places, but NO ONE knows what's going on?! That's a kind of genocide right there, and close to the border, and no one does anything about it, and believe me, there are a lot of people in Mexico who want peace. And why is the drug in-fighting getting worse? Maybe because they're trying to find ways, some of them, to just feed their families when the opportunities are limited. The whole drug war is ruining people, not helping them, and if it was legalized, there wouldn't be this fighting over everything. It might even give people new forms of legal employment. It seems there are a lot of governments that would rather keep their DEA and law enforcement employed for busting drug crimes, than they are interested in keeping peace and helping the people.

You know, maybe some of these Columbian drug cartels were "bad". At least one of them, though, had the admiration of the people, because they put almost all of the proceeds right back into helping the same people that the government refused to assist: the poor and needy.

It is time to figure something else out and put priorities in the proper place.

The U.S., for their part, could at least give all these people they know are in the country, a legal visa to work, and then crack down on immigration. Half of the people are already here, and get abused and contribute to drug trafficking simply because there are so few opportunities for supporting themselves without the proper papers. There are people who do the drug industry who are extremely corrupt and greedy, and murderous. Too often though, those ones get off, and the others are punished when all they really wanted was a way to make a fucking living.

So which country is safer? I don't know. I do know, that considering information I have, and things even my grandfather is somewhat aware of, CPS made a very serious error. Not just error, but another mark of incompetence, ignorance, self-serving interests, and inability to protect children and to even know what the best interests of a child are to begin with. They put my son at risk.

Aside from how my own personal knowledge could have benefited their decision-making, they are so isolated from the rest of the world that they don't know what is going on in the news? What? Michelle and Marie don't read the paper and keep up on current events? And CASA's great advocate Rob Forest doesn't know what's going on and read the news? I guess everyone in a government capacity is completely ignorant to current events, and would rather stay at home, comfortable with watching fictional movies like "No Country For Old Men". That's doing the kids a whole lot of good.

I would have to say, I don't think it's typical for CPS to allow kids to go out of the country, but given the history of my case and how they've treated me, which every lawyer and former CPS worker says is totally "bizarre" and "unusual", I believe CPS authorized this, out of spite, KNOWING it would upset me. They have no interest in the protection of my son, but only in their what satisfies them at getting back at me. This has NEVER been about my son. It has been their personal vendetta to harm me and to do it with cooperation from Wenatchee medical professionals.

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