Saturday, December 13, 2008

Wenatchee Determined To Terminate My Parental Rights

Here is an email from my aunt. She says, "The facts are not going to change in your case".

Bullshit. No one had the FACTS to begin with, including ME, as I never received discovery until after the statute to appeal expired. I can PROVE this is true.

Now I'm told I have to return to Wenatchee, AGAIN, and have THEIR psych evals, which they want because they know the people in Washington, or are taking my son.

I'm filing a lawsuit, and I'll do it on my own if I have to, because no one from the ADA is going to jump on board fast enough, if at all.

I did NOT have a fair trial and I have grounds to have a NEW TRIAL and this entire thing dismissed, based on lack of defense and illegal actions of the court, to hang up on me in court and refuse to even allow ME to present my own defense.

I'm getting those fucking CDS uploaded, and I am filing my own lawsuit. No lawyer is coming forward to help me so I will do it MYSELF.

As for my aunt's family "caring", that's BS as well. They didn't care at all, until my son was removed from me and then they indicated they wanted to adopt him to CPS and CPS was happy with that. Then my aunt had my phone visitation TERMINATED, and hung up on me when her own husband protested that my son was talking "TO HIS MOTHER", and she refused to even print out photos of me for my son to see.

FUCK YOU HOLLY. AND FUCK WENATCHEE, because you are NOT done with me and the "facts" were never facts to begin with, and everyone knows it except my illiterate, uneducated aunt and mother who both married at age 18 and never lived in the real world, and never broadened their mind to do ANYTHING for themselves, but to trust others to do the right thing, even when it is clear, by facts, that the right thing has not been done.

I was told I could have evaluations in D.C., NOT Wenatchee, and Wenatchee and D.C. offices purposefully stalled for TWO MONTHS while I tried, even though I knew the whole thing was illegal.

You FUCKERS are getting your shit uploaded for everyone to hear what happened and you are going to pay.
Re: Lawsuit‏
Sent: Sat 12/13/08 6:47 AM

You couldn't be more wrong in your assumptions. Our whole family cares about you and what happens and we don't want you to lose Oliver. We are all still praying for you and about what has happened to you. But the facts are not going to change in your case. The court has ordered you to have an evaluation and visitation with Oliver, and if you do not do what the court has ordered, you are going to lose your rights for Oliver. We don't want to see that happen. But the only thing that is going to prevent it from happening is if you reconsider and come back to this area and begin visitation with Oliver again and have the court ordered evaluations.

I will not be with a computer for awhile, like until the first of the year, so you don't have to bother responding to this. It's just something we wish you would give some serious thought to. Maybe after the first of the year, we can find some time to try to send you some current pictures of Oliver, if you haven't returned to the area by then and could see him for yourself. He is doing well, and I wish you were here to see for yourself.



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