Thursday, December 25, 2008

Why CPS Wanted Ellen Lind Walker (March 27, 2008)

I found out there was a conflict of interest. This woman was in the same offices, and worked closely with, David Koch, a man my aunt Charlotte went to who was horrible and tried to make mountains out of molehills. He was determined to be right, too, and Charlotte went to several other doctors who said all she had was anxiety and exhaustion. David Koch was trying to say Charlotte was "paranoid schitzophrenic" and she's not. So, it's a little interesting, that, had I gone to Ellen Walker for the psych eval, and then been referred by her to the man who does the psychiatrist eval portion of things...I would have been screwed.


Huh. I'm just sitting here thinking...huh! Wow. No wonder I didn't feel I good get a fair psych eval anywhere in Washington state. Can't say I didn't try!!! ;) Busted baby.

Mental Health Evaluation Request‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 3/27/08 12:50 PM


I need some information about what Charlotte was warning me about.

The state wants me to be evaluated by an Ellen Lind Walker, who works with Susan Hakeman, David Koch, and Henry Levine. I had thought Charlotte warned against David Koch. Is this right? I think mom said or wrote to stay away from David Koch, and anyone working with these people as associates.

I need to know.



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