Sunday, December 7, 2008


I think this stuff served a purpose. I tried it once a very long time ago and didn't like it at all--it didn't do anything for me. I preferred Valium as I felt calmer on it. But I just took what she gave me and filled the prescription.

I didn't take any yesterday, but I know I won't be taking the other half of that 1 mg. klonapin. That stuff was way too strong for me, and just put me to sleep. I think the Xanax did too, but I don't feel side effects this morning.

I only took it last night, after trying to sleep on my own for an hour. After making an hour attempt to get to sleep on my own, with sadness and guilt and thoughts running through my mind, I took one Xanax, which put me to sleep.

So maybe I just need over the counter sleeping pills because I just wanted to go to sleep. Xanax actually changes your brainwave patterns, which I don't like the sounds of.

I am not in favor of ANYTHING that changes the way my brain works, unless it's short term for relief of migraine pain. Which is why I've never been into drugs. I like my brain just the way it is.

Despite the tragedy of what happened yesterday, I wouldn't have stayed with the other OBGYNs with the "Army Wife", because she was prejudiced against someone taking painkillers under doctor's orders. The fact she wanted a "tox screen" because I'd had to have morphine for severe migraine pain isn't acceptable to me. It's not the sign of a good doctor, but of one with ingrained prejudices that don't make sense. Also, this was a DOCTOR who should understand the place for medication for pain. Instead, she demonstrated prejudice. That was the main reason I knew I wasn't going back. I'm still going to get the records they sent for though, because I need those.

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