Friday, January 30, 2009

Ask & You Shall Receive (a laptop)

I asked someone for a laptop, free, and he admired me for my "balls".

I was, later that night, telling the guys at the billiards hall, I was terrible at pool and bad "con pelotas". en todo.

But then, at the very last minute, I turned and asked this guy randomly, if he knew where I could get a free laptop and he said yes, he could get one for me!!!

This is after the guy offered one to me (I didn't ask) 3-4 months ago. It's been too long and I talked too much and freaked him out bc he couldn't see me and was just hearing my crazy stories. So I realized, "Dammit! I just lost my free laptop."

But, now, I have a new offer, after I asked, and we'll see. Nothing is for sure until it's a done deal, right?

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