Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cannot Sleep & Supreme Court Case for the Poor

I still cannot sleep, after taking 2 mg. of Ativan. I am constantly worried and thinking about how the WSB refuses to return my calls and get involved in giving me a copy of my case file; of the fact PGH has refused to honor my signed release instructing them to send or release my unborn baby James to the funeral home of my choice which I specified and which is trying to obtain James; and the fact that still, the most basic of my civil rights are completely ignored.

Then I read there is a Supreme Court hearing at the courthouse in D.C. today I believe, if today is Tuesday, I'm so backed up about days. If today isn't Tuesday, the hearing is for Tuesday, for the defense of poor person's right to counsel. It would be important for many people to go and show their support. It is one hearing I'd like to attend but I'm afraid I'd end up feeling sick. This nausea stuff is something new to me and I don't know what's going on yet.

But I hope people will support this guy, who requested an attorney and was questioned after he made his request, and basically forced to continue and answer. The guy is simply asking that any admissions made under such coercion without a lawyer, after he'd requested an attorney, be thrown out.

So let's support the rights of the poor to fair trial, regardless what side of the platform they're on. His name is Jesse Jay Montejo and court hearing times are probably online.

On an ending note, hoping I can somehow try to sleep again, after getting this frivolous thought out of my mind, which is coming next...What is wrong with Katie Holmes? Her daughter is absolutely beautiful, in every way, just stunning, but Katie? what happened? She looks like Nancy Reagan. Look at her, in every photo, does she or does she not look like Nancy Reagan? Katie is so much cuter than that and I hope she gets a new hairdresser. It's just one or the other--man pants and librarian shirts or feathered Reagan hair with pale face. You can't combine the two and come out with a winning style. I shouldn't speak, but then again, my style is absolutely limited by my means and income. If I had what she has, I'd tweak a few things...stay classic, but couture classic or easy, feminine classic, not this Ronnie's woman "just say no" look. Is Tom the jealous type? Because what the hell is going on, with this mom-in-a-handbasket and a minivan deal.

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