Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Copied Another Request for Case File to Washington State Bar

Danielle with the Washington State Bar is out of office so I copied my urgent message to another email address with the Washington State Bar:

FW: Disciplinary Action--Urgent--Need Case File‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Wed 1/21/09 4:31 PM

This is urgent. Danielle is out of office and this matter needs immediate attention. Please refer to the appropriate person and copy me on who received this email. I would appreciate your bringing this to the attention of more than one employee of the Bar. Thanks. Cameo

Subject: FW: Disciplinary Action--Urgent--Need Case File
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 16:18:56 -0800

Dear Danielle,

Since I last wrote, I moved, so please check with me as to my current mailing address. I had to move because of a physical assault by a friend of a woman at the former address (for which I had to go to ER).

I am very concerned about a couple of things. First of all, I finally got the message that the Washington State Bar had received my complaint and had mailed a letter to me which I never received. So there is or was, and has been (in the past) a mail problem.

Secondly, I spoke with Erica from the WSB, just a few days ago, who was pleasant and informed me that the WSB didn't "know" if they could "get involved" with my request for a copy of my case file.

Erica told me that since I had filed a complaint regarding 2 public defenders, the Bar might have some kind of "conflict" obtaining my case file for me, through these attorneys.

I am seriously concerned about this theory for two reasons: Number 1., the WSB is well aware that there is a statute of limitations for my ability to file for appeal or lawsuit to have this case dismissed for violations of numberous rules of prodecure. Number 2., it doesn't matter whether I've filed a complaint against the public defenders or NOT, the JUDGE forced me to be pro se, last minute, when I told him I DID NOT wish to be pro se but wanted "reasonable counsel". My counsel by Wellbaum and Cassel was not reasonable. I was also forced to go pro se without sufficient notice prior to Contested Sheltercare and Fact Finding, and I was NOT given a copy of my case file, when I asked for this on SEVERAL occasions. If I am to be "pro se" and I WAS forced to do this, I have the RIGHT to a copy of my case file. I have NOT received this. I was railroaded and lost to the state when everyone KNEW I did not have sufficient notice to prepare a defense, when I requested reasonable counsel, when I requested discovery from the state and AG, and when I requested a copy of my case file.

I am now told to comply with "services" as if this hearing and case is "all over" and has been decided. Like hell it has. I have ever intention, desire, and RIGHT, to appeal this case on grounds of illegal withholding of evidence and refusal to give notice and discovery in a timely manner. I have a RIGHT to have a copy of my case file, as not just the "client" but the very "attorney" Judge Hotchkiss suddenly decided was "in charge".

I DO NOT have this case file and the clock is ticking.

I have TOLD the State Bar, and several people with the Washington State Bar, that my parental rights are about to be permanently terminated. I am being told to comply with "services" I do not NEED or require, and for which I had ZERO opportunity to defend myself against. I have the right to appeal this and ask that this entire dependency be dismissed and thrown out for flagrant illegal violations of laws and rules.

I need a copy of my case file to do this.

I have told the Washington State Bar, I have already requested this from the former public defenders. Paul Cassel finally wrote and said he did not have the file and that Wellbaum had it.

The State Bar should be demanding and requiring Wellbaum to mail me a copy of my case file, IMMEDIATELY.

The state, the AG, CPS, the public defenders, CASA, Judge Wellbaum, and the Washington State Bar all know that I need a copy of the case file in order to defend myself, and appeal this case or file a civil rights lawsuit.

There is no conflict of interest in the fact that I have made a complaint against Wellbaum and Cassel. I still have a right to my case file and to withhold this from me, knowing the statute of limitations is running out and that I am losing time away from my son, has caused great distress to me and to my son which could have been avoided and which is preventable.

Please respond immediately, to this email address. My cell phone you have as well. Thanks,

Cameo Garrett


Subject: RE: Disciplinary Action--Urgent--Need Case File
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 12:39:00 -0800

The address should be correct enough because it is for an entire house. One part is 8004 and the other part is 8006 so I'll have to see if the downstairs (where I am, which is 8004, is getting the mail). Thanks! Let me check and please give me an extension on time to respond since I've not read or received any mail as of yet. I appreciate it.

Cameo Garrett


Subject: RE: Disciplinary Action--Urgent--Need Case File
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 14:12:16 -0800

Dear Ms. Garrett,

Your grievances were received December 15, 2008. A letter confirming receipt of them was mailed December 17, 2008. On January 06, 2009, another letter was mailed to you including the attorneys’ responses to your grievances. Those letters stated that, if you wanted, you may respond to the responses of the attorneys or send any additional information you may have within two weeks from the date on the letter. As you requested, the name of the disciplinary counsel currently evaluating your grievances is: Felice Congalton. If you like, a copy of the correspondences can be mailed again. The address we have is as follows, please let me know if this is still the correct address to send correspondences to: 8006 18th Ave, Hyattsville, MD 20783


Danielle Johnson

Consumer Affairs Assistant

Washington State Bar Association

(206) 727-8283 (direct)

(800) 945-9722

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From: cam huegenot []
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 12:11 PM
To: Questions; Jeanne Wellbaum;; mom dad;
Subject: Disciplinary Action--Urgent--Need Case File
Importance: High


I've written a formal complaint to your offices, regarding negligent and less than zealous representation by Paul Cassel and Jeanne Wellbaum.

I am a mother who was retaliated against with complaints by doctors I was trying to sue, who turned around to report me to CPS to have my son taken from me. This is a small town and nothing I've done is of any effect.

My public defenders which were appointed did NOT provide "reasonable counsel" as required by law, and they also did unethical things which included failure to mention conflicts of interest, blatant withholding of evidence from the record (which I gave to my counsel, from a doctor, which was crucial to my case) and refusal to examine possible defenses and copy me with notice as to any motions made.

I am about to lose my son through the permanent termination of my parental rights when I have REPEATEDLY requested a copy of my case file to be mailed to me. This has not been done. Cassel's office tells me the file is with Jeanne Wellbaum and she has not responded to my multiple requests. I cannot appeal or file for injunction without the documents from my case file.

I was forced, last minute, and without sufficient notice, to go "pro se" without discovery from the state regarding my case AND without a copy of my case file, which I have a right to.

I am about to lose on statute of limitations because these lawyers, and I guess, Wellbaum specifically, refuses to mail me a copy of my case file.

I would like to receive confirmation my complaint has been received by your offices as well, and would like to know which Disciplinary member of counsel is reviewing it or received it.

I have left at least 4 messages now, with the WSB voicemail, with detailed requests for a return call and about my case file. No one has returned any of those calls. I have last left a message at 2:30 EST, with the same information and way to best reach me (phone and email) and I am now sending this email to you as well.

Will you please see to it that this reaches someone who is responsible for ensuring quality and that ethics guidelines are followed? I have had this problem, of a lawyer refusing to give me a copy of my case file, once before, and the Bar had to intervene and demand it from him, knowing that his refusal to honor my civil rights could cause further damages to my case and be grounds for a lawsuit and monetary compensation from the Professional Liability Fund.

I need my case file and I've been asking for it for several months. It is now past Contested Sheltercare, which I was denied time to prepare for and hung up and refused to give my own defense, and past Fact Finding, where I was forced to be "pro se" when I told the Judge I still did not have the discovery promised to me by the state OR a copy of my case file. I was railroaded as a result, with nothing to prepare myself with, and in the hearing, I WAS able to confirm that of the discovery they HAD obtained, they had deliberately withheld medical records which were crucial to my defense. Opinions abounded and not one piece of hard evidence was in the record...all of the hard evidence was purposefully omitted from the case.

I ask you, as their claim has been that I'm "mentally ill"--how does it become such a threat, since when does a woman who is allegedly "mentally ill" such a threat that her basic rights are ignored, and evidence withheld from her? And since when do the top lawyers and General Counsel for CPS involve themselves if the woman is "so mentally ill"? If they have a solid case, they don't need to step backwards over themselves to keep evidence from me, but the truth is that they know their house is build on sand, and if and when I get my hands on the documents and records I've been requesting, in a timely manner, this house will fall.

I have a right to these records, and they have stalled to keep me from having a defense, and are pushing through with the anticipation of terminating my parental rights. I am no longer interested in their claims that I should submit to their "services". They illegally took my son and know it, and I have a right to ask for injunction and prove this case was "won" illegally, by forcing me out of the process and illegally withholding evidence. I have a right to appeal this, and I must have my case file in order to do this and I have nothing.

If I could not appeal, I would and intend to file a civil rights action, before they terminate my rights, and this is my lawful right, and for the WSB to stand by and allow time to pass, knowing my statute of limitations will be up, and the clock is ticking, will not be good for anyone, including the WSB. I have been my requests as clear as possible.

Thank you for your time and I ask for a quick reply,

Cameo Garrett, on behalf of herself and her son Oliver Garrett,
currently held illegally in the custody of Washington State, in violation of U.S. Constitutional law and State law.

My phone number is 360-201-4779 and
email is here: Email is the best way to reach me. Thanks.


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