Sunday, January 4, 2009

CPS Endangered Child's Life

I wrote a post, about how Wenatchee CPS allowed my son to be taken out of the country, when my parental rights have NOT been terminated, and they knew I didn't want my son going out of state (unless it's with me), much less Mexico.

I wrote about how Wenatchee put my son at risk, and then I posted a whole huge column of news articles about what's going on in Mexico lately, which ANYONE who pays attention to current events would know about.

I have copied the link to another story which proves CPS put my son at risk. It's at the beginning and end of this post.

Wenatchee CPS and Judge Hotchkiss authorized my son to be taken to a country that the U.S. considers to be unsafe and dangerous, and is reticent to even send it's police and military too.

Since I made my last post, another newspaper article was written by a D.C. paper, and I'll have to find the title. I thought it was Washington Review. It wasn't Washington Post. But about 1 day ago, there was a front page article about how concerned the U.S., and Obama, are, about Mexico. A whole list of new crimes, and many statistics were used to support this. 12 people were found that day, most of them police, with their heads chopped off. This is a daily occurance in Mexico, where fighting and kidnapping has increased.

Wentchee CPS sent MY SON there, and PUT HIM AT RISK. Not only that, they did nothing to ask for information from me about why I might have concerns he was taken there. I have general concerns, because everyone knows it's not safe to travel there now, and I had specific concerns, and CPS didn't bother to ask.

I'm going to find the most recent article, which refers to President Obama's extreme concern about safety, as soon as I find it online. Okay, it was written a couple of days ago, and it is still there. Written by the Washington Times:

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