Sunday, January 4, 2009

CPS Most Sued Agency in Washington State

I found this out from a site called "fight cps" which has a lot of information regarding CPS and tragedies they begin or perpetuate. The link for the site is:

I believe this URL is correct.

Preble in WA, Stuckle in I believe North Texas, and others are the names of some attorneys that come to mind.

Please folks, note that DSHS is the MOST SUED AGENCY IN WASHINGTON.

Folks must realize that the settlements are often CONFIDENTIAL OR NOT PUBLISHED.

Remember, even the Roskas were offered 3 settement figures in Utah.

They ranged from 5 Thousand to 200 Thousand.

So it is possible to win.

And I believe it may be the only way to tame CPS’ unnaccountable, un-overseen and irresponsible actions.

Heck, folks slip a law librarian a few bucks and they will research this issue for you.

Or even give them a bouquet of flowers.

You will not only help yourself, but curb CPS’ Fascist tendencies.

Comment by fern — August 11, 2007 @ 6:14 am

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