Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fox News Today

I didn't read the newspaper today, I watched the news. Fox news, and it's been awhile and had me cracking up at a few different parts:

My favorite part, was sometime before 9 EST, when the blond female reporter is reporting on the mothers who are "starving themselves for education." I'm sorry, but I haven't seen anything that funny in a long time. I wish I had a clip. Here was this split screen, of the reporter and a mother who was on hunger strike and it looked like this:

Left side: vibrant blond woman reporter with red sweater (I think it was red), asking questions of the woman on the split screen to the right, and she's asking "Why?!" with these wide, wide, mascaraed eyes, which are just popping in a shock that is impossible to describe and a lusty enthusiasm for the great "news" this is. She's just eating it up, hmm...nice pun...underneath all that surprise and "empathy".

Right side: A representative of the hunger strike camp. A mother with worn eyes, sloping face, and fatigued shoulders, speaking very slowly in contrast to the bubbly reporter with the spiked-with-shock eyes. I don't even remember what the mother was saying, and my music from the radio was turned up a little loud, for Madonna's "Holiday", but I imagine it was something about, "This war we're waging, is for the future of our CHILDREN. There is no future (grimace, sigh, pause) without education. I will DIE, I will STARVE! I will STRIKE to the death for my children's right to more McGraw-McMillan and funds for marching band."

Then the camera is showing all these mothers, all of them who are willing to starve themselves for education, and all of them are overweight, with pounds to spare, and I couldn't help but think, "This is a noble cause, but it's making me think about my mother's vigilant "fasting" for me...Is this for the children or for the mothers? Is this sacrifice or this a new charitable contribution idea co-sponsored by Weight Watchers?" Hell, if we're gonna lose weight women, let's do it with gusto, for a righteous cause.

And this is no insult to the overweight, because I've been there, and I defended all of the "fatties" from the insults of the Nigerian Politician. I said to her, "You know, you're advising your son to cut someone off because they're a "fattie" and people can lose weight. People gain and lose weight, I don't know why weight would be the first consideration for a proper girlfriend, in contrast to so many other more important things."

I don't know, this mother from Nigeria was not exactly slim, so maybe it's another case of projecting oneself, onto others.

So I cracked up with the split screen of the vivacious blond reporter trying to conceal her enthusiasm for THIS news treat and the suffering starving mother. And then, I was laughing when it got to the drama from Morgan Kelly (caught this reporters name) who introduced her news item at about 9:01 EST with a woeful shaking left and right of her head. Back and forth...back and forth...big drama and then she begins to speak about the "new wave of bank trouble with citibank." She's gorgeous, but it was just funny to watch. Head to the left, (uh-oh, what's happenING NOWwww???!!! panic from all sides of wall street) head to the right (Oh nooooooo, this is baaaaaadd! Where's my Xanax, HONEEeeey! or to the assistant: Bring me my pills!) and then...drumroll, she speaks.

Okay, it was really bad news for Citicorp or bank folk, but still. I guess I forgot all about the fun of watching Fox. I have to say people, if you think the feds will bail 'em out, now is the time to buy. I mean, BUY LOW, sell high--that $52 share is now a basement bargain at five bucks.

So I want to mention the news about Mexico and the stuff about Holder and then I'm done on current events, I think, for the day...

Oh and new "historical findings" about "ancient Persia". My thoughts on these topics aren't as light. I was thinking, this Holder must be a great guy who is just getting trashed, or one very bad dude who is sliding into an important position.

I am confused because of all these ethics problems reports about favors to people. So I'm concerned. And then I'm confused about why the Republicans are the ones first casting suspicion, because the first bad thing I heard was that he may have let banks off easy, when they were guilty of fraud, as a favor. Repubs are corporate people, big business, so why are they mad? They create favors for big B. all the time, and policies that favor big B. So it seems weird, but then I remember there are moral and immoral people on either party, regardless of values. I tend to think Dems are more for the people, but you can't say all Dems are decent and honest anymore than the Repubs. They have differing political philosophies, but anymore, not by much right? So then I hear a pardon from Holder for a financial fugitive and other favors, and I just hope it's not true. Head AG is a crucial position for justice and if someone is the type to favor people and take sides, it isn't good. But what if some are just afraid of what good he might do and so are trashing him? I've been trashed before, so it's not like I know it isn't possible. Some people will lie straight through their teeth and not think twice.

The thing I found most interesting, was the Mexican drug wars and what's going on there. Someone from Fox said it may well be the story of the coming year, and it IS damn important. I'm glad some people are catching on. It's totally out of control, and yet I think it can somehow be fixed. I think Mexico should create dramatic new laws and just try something totally different. I cannot believe how many people have been KILLED. And I was watching the former DEA guy speak, but I'm on his side and not on his side. It's a problem, but is it the drugs themselves that are the problem, or poverty or certain politics or influence from the U.S. These guys act like U.S. people aren't involved and all the bad stuff is coming from the "pit of hell Mexico". You've got your inside all-white American people who are into this too. And I think they're harder to catch and slippery. Drugs themselves are not the enemy, it's the kind of people who are fighting over it and the conditions. It's like money or anything that makes money--money itself isn't the evil, it's what people do with it. I think Mexico should legalize everything and tightly regulate it and tax it and see what happens. Give these people jobs in their "field" but put them in jail if they're still killing people. If it's legalized and regulated, what is there to fight and kill over? 40 billion worth per anum is going to U.S. customers, and that's with the drug war en force. If that much is still getting in, there is no way this is possible without cooperation from those in very high positions.

The last thing I wanted to write about was the taglines at the bottom of the Fox screen, regarding "persian history" today. Um...does this information sound a little politically motivated to you?

"Evidence suggests ancient Persians were the first to use chemical weapons" and "Evidence suggests ancient persians gassed Roman soldiers 2,000 years ago".

Why is this making news, like it's just "new" history, when we're not hearing about any other kind of cultural "finds" from any other country, on other subjects besides weaponry? It's like this stuff is purposefully inserted to create a bias against Iranians, who were the "ancient Persians" and everyone knows, by making them sound like they're violent by nature, and were the "first" to gass and chemically kill everybody. So, since they're bad by origin, or at best, "inventive", what shall we do with them now Americans? KILL the bad ancient Persians because we are to subliminally think they are "evil" and worse than others, because "they staaaarted it"!

It's so slanted, to insert this kind of thing. I am not siding with Iran at all, I'm just for balanced news, no matter what.

Oh, which reminds me, of the Caroline Kennedy stuff, there was another big article in the Washington Post about her, with her photo, under the captian of position for Senate, and in the article, it said 10 people were in the running. Boy, like we all know. I haven't seen or heard anything about any other contender except Cuomo or whatever, and why can't they just do a photo thing of all 10 people and short little bios so everyone gets some press coverage and people know what they stand for? Instead, we're in the dark.

Last note. I briefly saw the Post today and the bit about dish designer Anna Weatherly. I mean dish as a noun, not an adjective. But I like her. I like the flowers and insect stuff. Anyway, people should check her out. Some of it is a little frilly, but it's nice. Nice to see bugs on the White House dinnerware. A good reminder that there are always flies on the wall, and the dishes, and everywhere else in D.C.

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