Friday, January 23, 2009

Weeding the Garden of the U.S.A.

Someone wrote in about my son and thinking I'm just interested in suing for money and things, so I wrote a response about my concerns about the case involving my son and the system in general. I use the parable of the good soil and the good seed, which is, i believe, found in the book of matthew of the bible, but i cannot remember now.

"My Family Tells Me I'm Losing My Son"
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concerned blog reader said...
If it's really true that your family doesn't want you to parent as a single woman, then why have you posted emails from them and other attempts (your brother calling) asking you to please come home and try to get him back? I think they want you to have him, but they know how stubborn you are in wanting to get money from the state in the form of a lawsuit and too into playing the disadvantaged woman that they know you won't move back and they are trying to think of the future with Oliver's best interest in mind. If you won't come back and be his Mom then who will? You say you want to, but only on your terms of 'winning your case' which in Oliver's case isn't good enough because he needs you now. I think you sound like a good mom, but it's concerning that you are trying to sue WA state, and now you're involved in more court cases and more potential law suits. How is that healthy for your son or for you?

January 23, 2009 10:58 AM

Mama said...

At this point, this doesn't have anything to do with winning money from a lawsuit.

1. I WAS going to file for damages to me and my son for childbirth trauma and other medical problems, and the Wenatchee docs KNEW this and tried to conceal everything. They then chose to slander me and retaliate by calling CPS. So that made it impossible for me to still sue them, because of what happened.

Any lawsuit I'm speaking of now has nothing to do with money actually, but has to do with the LAW, and rules of procedure.

If you've read the news, not too long ago a Senator from Alaska was charged, by the FBI, for crimes. What happened, is that this guy was convicted. Later, a "whistleblower" from the FBI, who was only ONE person in an entire group of people trying to prosecute guy, well, THAT guy knew some things that had happened were wrong.

He was aware that even though this Senator had allegedly done bad things, every citizen in the U.S. is supposed to have certain rights respected. The right to good a defense is key, and one of the main reasons this country was even FOUNDED.

People came over here from England, back in the day, because they were found guilty of crimes they didn't commit, where they had NO jury. The only person deciding things was the Judge and then there was the 'state' attorney.

So in America, this country was founded on very important rules that provide for DEFENSE, and not only old sloppy defense, but "reasonable defense" for crimes and certain civil actions.

The entire reason is based on historical fact, that systems and "justice systems" can and do become perverted and corrupt. Money buys power so often, and some Judges are bought, if not through material gain, through social status and better positions.

So it is imperative that people, especially the poor, for those who are at a disadvantage, have recourse to charges brought against them for any number of reasons.

What is commendable about the FBI officer who came forward, is that they recognized that while justice had the "appearance" of being fair, and while the evidence may have been truly STACKED against this guy, he was still deprived of certain laws, rules, and protocols were not followed. He was discriminated against by this, and through the improper conduct of those who were trying to press charges.

The larger FBI group was, on the surface, doing a good thing--fighting fraud and crime. But when they disregarded the civil rights of this man, it takes the wind out of things. It made that FBI group a lessor group, and almost inferior to this man, because they had POWER and they abused this power, or neglected to put this power to fair and good use.

There was ONE person, in that entire group, that spoke up.

Do you know how many times, people get railroaded and NO ONE ever speaks up?

How many times maybe a few people might know what has happened is wrong, but they are afraid of coming forward and just "hope" all the bad things will go away?

Some people know and feel guilty, but keep it to themselves. They decide they are not responsible. They choose not to speak up for someone else and they try to forget what happened, or rationalize, thinking this person must have done SOMETHING wrong and got what they deserved in the long run.

But when this happens, justice as we know it, dies. The flame doesn't even flicker.

What is also very alarming is the rise of Summary Judgment cases, where people never get a chance to have a jury hear their case, because a Judge is given sole power and authority to choose to let a jury hear it or not. That's going all the way back, taking a giant step backwards, to the days of England where the King decided everything.

The U.S., has become it's own sort of monarchy through plutocracy. It's unhealthy and the policies that are formed have weakened the country while making only a few select very strong.

In the meantime, even the most beautiful and well-regarded laws and writings of our nation, are forgotten. The Bill of Rights is ineffective and dead on sight because there are not enough lawyers willing to fight for the civil rights of the poor, and they are the most often targeted.

I also think some famous people are targeted, because of jealousy and their gifts, but at least have money to fight with. Others do NOT.

So when my son was taken from me illegally, and so many laws were ignored and my rights violated, at great harm and separation to me and my son, it is important these people are held accountable.

I have a LOT of things I could and should sue for, which I should be compensated for dearly. I do.

But the primary lawsuit I've spoken of recently, has to do with my right to a fair and equal defense and the fact that I was railroaded and my son was taken out of retailiation, and not because of merit.

Evidence crucial to my defense was WITHHELD, and this is illegal. I cannot fight for myself or the truth or my son when this happens. I also asked, repeatedly, for discovery and my case file, and I never got it prior to hearings. I didn't get notice to prepare for being "pro se" either.

These things are not little mistakes to ignore. They are things to stand up and fight for, because when you or I fight for ourselves and our rights, or the rights of others who are in a similiar position, you fight for everyone. Instead of setting "precedent" you reinforce the validity of our laws, and the CREDIBILITY of our country.

To do less, and for so many to have ignored the law in my case, is hypocrisy. It's frightening to see people run things this way, with no fear of being held accountable, and that's the scariest thing. What it means is that they've done this before, they're doing it to me now, and they are not in the least worried about doing it to someone else in the future.

My job as a mother, is to fight for my son and to be an example to him of what kind of person I hope he will one day be.

I know my son and I were damaged and I know things that happened to us most people don't believe or understand. But I am gaining ground in that more and more people are starting to believe me.

What CPS would do, if they were honorable, is dismiss this case. Or the Judge should. But because they already goofed, now all they are concerned with is covering things up.

Meanwhile, there are a couple of people who KNOW what has happened to me and my son. They wrestle with the problem of whether to speak up or not and to whom? they think about retaliation against themselves and their own families. They struggle, just as maybe some of those FBI people did.

The good soil. Read the parable of the good soil. When the fruit was grown and a harvest produced, it was because the seed did not fall on fallow ground, on thorns, on rocks, and because the birds of the air did not pick the seed away to assuage their own hunger. When the seed, or the word, whatever that word may be, falls onto good soil, it can grow and produce something beautiful. Weeds may grow and try to choke out the flower or the plant, but the plant is strong enough to withstand and there is more than one GARDENER, who is doing the dirty work of pulling out the weeds by the root.

It is a beautiful parable when you consider its meaning in a parable about the U.S. system.

I wish and hope for more people to have the courage to speak up. Get protection and keep your identity private if you must, but don't allow anyone to take advantage of their power and position, for any rreason, not even if you THINK maybe this or that person is "wrong" or a "terrorist" or "mentally ill" or "probably did OTHER THINGS." People deserve respect, no matter who they are. You fight fair and fair is fair, period, whether you have money or not. Rich people shouldn't be targeted anymore than the poor, and the poor should not be railroaded as others stand by and do nothing.

There are two problems in the U.S., or three, which must be corrected:

1. Summary Judgment should be scaled back or abolished and the right to jury has to be restored, as well as the right to proper defense.

2. Civil rights actions should not be difficult for the poor to bring forward. People have to PAY a lawyer to fight for their civil rights and the only ones who can afford this are the rich, so guess who gets screwed?

3. Reasonable and competent defense, and the responsibility of the prosecution and judges to play by the rules, must be ENFORCED. It is already out of control, but one person can make a difference.

You can make a difference. You just haven't summoned the courage yet to try, and it's okay to need time to find the safest way to do it. Right now, being a whistleblower is dangerous and people need witness protection and all kinds of things. But hopefully more laws will be passed to protect these individuals, ALL CITIZENS, against retailiation for whistleblowing and the system can be repaired.

There are gardeners out there, but they are few and far between. The garden is overgrown with weeds.

Hola mi amigos hispanicos. I think of you and of other minorities when I write this. I am with you.

January 23, 2009 12:02 PM

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