Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Great.....Nigerian Politician Calls Police

So she just came back, and I'll have to finish my heterochromia post in a bit, and she was even voiced and asked me what I was doing. I was also on my best, best, most mild and quiet, wide-eyed voice, because I do not want to seem threatening or superior to her in the LEAST.

I was about to say I just needed a few days, but I was told what the law was, and so I very gently, gently, tried to say, "...uh...well, has AB called you to say anything?" and she said no.

I didn't even know how to continue, because I don't dislike her at all. I'm not trying to be in her face at all either and she doesn't even LIVE here, so I'm not sure why this is such a big deal to her. But I called two different police officers who said what the law was and that they worked in landlord-tenant law, all the time, and I gave them all the facts, and so I started trying to tell her...

All I said was, "well, did he tell you about the landlord-tenant thing?" and she said no and I said I had called the police to find out and the MINUTE I said "police" she was booking for the phone, saying she was calling to the police. So I tried to alleviate her worries, before she thought I had called police to CAUSE problems, and just said to her that I needed a little notice.

She said, "You're not on a lease". I told her I understood, but there had been a verbal lease, and it stands under Maryland law. I was told something, and I believed what I was told, by her son who handles all the landlord business while she's in Nigeria.

From what I was told, by police, because I've been here over a month on a verbal agreement, and had mail coming here, I'm considered a tenant who deserves a 30 day notice.

She's on the phone now and I can hear her getting angry. I honestly am not trying to cause her any anxiety. I don't know why she's making a big deal either, because she never sees me and in general, the house was peaceful and I made contributions and paid for most of my own things. I am reeeaaaaally, reeeally, hoping this bad day just goes away and that maybe I could even help her to see me differently. If, after this, she refuses to even be near me til I move, I'll just try to move out. But honestly, I have nothing against this woman and think she hasn't given herself a chance to find out I'm not whatever she thinks I am. I mean no harm or distress to her! and I didn't know she was ever IN NIGERIA and coming back and that it would be an issue anyway. No one told ME that.

I did notice a couple of other things, in paperwork, which doesn't look very ethical, when I was looking for my mail, but I won't bring it up now. Maybe after I'm gone.

Oh, I'm totally sweating, and she, the mother, wanted me to talk to the police, and she is being told I have a right to stay here, but to give me a notice. The officer says the mother just got back into town 2 days ago and doesn't have a right to just kick me out with no notice. So I think I'm safe, but I am seriously stressed out by all of this. There was a gentleman with the mother, an older man, and he seemed nice enough. I don't know who he is, but he wasn't threatening or rude.

I think I'll just lay low, low, low, and find a new place and get out. Thank you God this woman officer knows her legal stuff. Okay, trying not to think about this now and if she will give me my notice I hope it will be squared away in the past.

So she called police and they came. They said I was legally okay. But scared the hell out of me, and asking all these questions and then cutting me off. I have 30 days. I think they didn't really know what was going on, and kept thinking it was audacious I was staying here, but I told them, she just came back from Nigeria 2 days ago, AND they were thinking she was having to live HERE with me. They kept saying "it's HER house" and that she owned it, but I think they thought she lived here. This house is owned by her, but it's a rental and she another house that's a rental and when I asked her son where she stayed when she was coming back, he said "A hotel". He said she always stays in a hotel. I said, "So she's not going to want to live or stay here when she's here? and he said "NO"".

So what is the big fucking deal? I'm starting to think this is sort of mean. And then his mom goes off about me having what she thought was "an abortion" when I didn't even have an abortion. I would never have one, not even if someone hadn't killed the one in my ovary.

Now, I'm seriously wondering WHERE my mail is. I have a bunch of proofs that I gave my mail address to several groups and I've not received any of it. Was someone hiding it just so they could say I wasn't "living here"? I am confused. Is it because I wasn't a romantic attachment afterall?

I have to find out where my mail is. I can still prove I was living here, because I've been here since December 2 or something, and on my first hospital registration, used the address, with permission of the son, and used it for everything since--court, and WSB and other complaints I filed even.

There were two officers: man and woman. They came in like I was the bad guy or something and then I explained facts and they settled down, espeically the man. But the woman, "Borrero", was still going on like there was something wrong with me until I explained the mother doesn't even live here, but in a hotel--it's a rental house. Then she sort of clicked with the idea that something was "off". They came in and asked if I was romantic with the son at all, and I told them he'd expressed interest but I told him from the start I wasn't interested "that way". I told him if he helped me and let me stay there until medical stuff improved, by letting me stay there, that I wasn't going to lead him on in any way. So the police wanted to know this--I don't know why.

Basically, I think it's mean to do this to me when I'm in the middle of a medical crisis and I was totally honest and upfront from the start. I haven't done anything wrong and I was working until this last pregnancy and the romantic complications of Chris Dabney led to my being fired.

I figured out why I won't take free taxi rides all the time, but I'm willing to contemplate a marriage of convenience for money. I think what it comes down to, is that I try to pay when I can, even if it's not much, as I go. Which is why I even tip, even when I'm broke. I feel if I can't tip I shouldn't be accepting their services.

I think I'm looking for someone who will loan me a car next time. I need a car and I think, actually, why shouldn't I be treated better than I've been? I've stood up for others so why shouldn't someone stand up for me? Even someone with a Princely something of something de'll Transylvania type title. I know my worth. I'm just a handle, and little shabby looking right now. That's what you call a "fixer upper" when the interior and foundation is solid and it's just a matter of cosmetic work.

Oh, about the questionable paperwork...I just wondered because as I was looking for my mail, I started looking for papers and there was a bunch of stuff from the mother, including applications for social assistance (?!) for people which claimed members lived at different addresses than they lived. And there were no dates on the paperwork so I didn't know if anyone had moved...until I found the social services ticket with date and time (like the DMV ticket) and it was printed for yesterday or today. Another paper had stated concerns from a social worker, as to where an earned income to the grandmother, every month, was coming from. I am sort of thinking maybe there is something wrong with the applications for social services for the family, like, not completely honest for whatever reason.

Sigh. I never would have known if I hadn't been forced into this awkward mess of being accused of staying at someone's house unlawfully. Nor would I have found the brochure which showed what the mother actually did in Nigeria as a "politician". She's with Nigerian police? And there was a commander's name, from THIS area, Prince George county area, for her "contact". A Major Kevin Davis, CMDR., D-7 with his cell and email address.

LOL. It would be HILIARIOUS if SHE was with the CIA. That would just kill me. What is she? attache for Nigerian relations through the CIA, and keeps tabs on the Nigerian police and civil unrest?

Oh, and the missing "pancake syrup" reappeared. As of today, it's next to the couch on the floor. I didn't take it or move it. I was asked about it though and then the grandma said she might have it but why would anyone put it in the livingroom by the couch.

I have one thing to say--thank YOU, ID woman who saved me tonight and gave me the correct law before police came. Thank you so much and I owe you one...you just did your job but you helped me by doing it honestly and I appreciate it. Hey, and I don't know if you're a "fattie" or not, but lets give a shout out to all the "fatties" out there who are AXED by discontent and social climbing mothers who want to reinforce misogeny against women. See, I know a fatty who is just bad news because she projects everyone else as being a binger, including my toddler son. But then there are the unfairly prejudiced against women, who bring their boyfriend's chicken soup when they're sick, like this one did for AB, only to be called "FATTIE" behind her back.

Oh believe me, I could say much much more. But the better someone just leaves me alone and doesn't try to unfairly upset me, the nicer I'll be too, and the easier it will be for me to keep my mouth shut.

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