Sunday, January 4, 2009

Heart Problems with Medication at PGH

Before taking my nap, I wanted to write down this symptom I had while at PGH when I was in ER and then admitted to maternity ward for transfusions and other monitoring.

I don't know what the significance is at all, but my heart was reacting very strangely to injections for painkillers.

I've had injections before, of morphine at 10 ccs and then another dose when even that didn't work to kill my migraine. I never had any reaction whatever with my heart.

This time though, for some reason, every single time they injected me with Dilaudid or morphine or anything, my heart reacted immediately and it would cause me to cough out loud, forcefully.

When I first got to ER after starting to bleed, I received medication for 1 mg. Dilaudid by IV. I felt it go almost immediately to my heart, and it felt like my heart stopped for a minute so I automatically coughed. I didn't try to cough, it was unavoidable. I coughed loudly, two times, and then I could feel the medication going through my body almost instantly. But it went to my heart first and affected it, and I thought it was odd because I've never had a reaction like that.

It happened again, with other IVs of Dialdid and morphine. It didn't matter what kind of narcotic it was, it caused a strange feeling in my heart, and I had to cough.

After this happened several times, I finally told someone when I was in the OBGYN ward, and they looked shocked and said it shouldn't affect my heart. But it did. So after this, they wouldn't give it to me in an IV but only through shots, and I never had any reaction with the shots.

Later, a few days later or several days later, when I was last at the GW hospital ER, they gave me some Dialdid through IV and it didn't affect my heart at all. I felt the sensation of the stuff going through my body, but there was no abnormal heart stuff and no uncontrolled coughing from me.

So I'm wondering why my heart was so sensitive, when it's not been like this before. Prior to the heart reaction to meds at PGE, the last time I'd had an IV for narcotics was??? I think I just got shots from Wenatchee. Maybe it was during my last car accident, if I didn't get Fentynl through an IV for childbirth. I know I got Fentanyl, but don't remember if it was in IV or shot form.

Narcotics actually are good for eliminating a common cough or bronchitis. It's a cough suppressant. But, when the nurse or doctor was concerned and said usually narcotics should stop a cough, I had to explain I wasn't having coughing just happened when the medication hit my heart for whatever reason, and I could feel something happening to my heart, and my body forcefully coughed twice, not allowing me to decide whether or not I wanted to cough. It was an automatic response and I wonder why this is or was and what would cause that.

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