Thursday, January 22, 2009

Left Message with CPS About Missing Mail

I left two messages with CPS about not getting any mail from them. I left a message on Marie Scanlon's VM, telling her I'd not received any order or motion or anything from the last hearing.

I have already written to them and told them I could not open attachments from a computer.

So I left a msg. with Marie and then I spoke with a nice woman who was just volunteering at reception, "Glenda", and she asked CPS if someone could take my call and not ONE person in the entire Wenatchee CPS office would take my call. They knew it was urgent because I told her what it was regarding.

Glenda tried, and said they told her they couldn't take my call because EVERYONE was in a "meeting" about the new "system", some new computer system they are installing.

I asked to speak with Michelle Erickson and was told she was unavailable (that's what they told GLENDA, who was not at fault) and no one else in the whole department was available either.

I told Glenda I needed to have someone call me back immediately to let me know what this was about my rights being terminated if I don't do something or other by Jan. or Feb., and I also told Glenda I needed to know if CPS or anyone from the state had mailed me anything, and if so, to what address and whether they had confirmation that it was received somewhere.

Because I have NOT received one piece of mail for months.

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