Sunday, January 25, 2009

Me in a Play, MAYBE & Lawyer Getting My Son

I am seriously thinking about trying out for a play. lol. I looked up the theater group this guy wanted me to contact. It's pretty big. I wouldn't know what in the hell I'd be doing but it could be fun, right? all these emotional, creative, artistic types?

OH! AND I think I may be getting my son back too! I think I'm going to be getting help from a private attorney. I may be able to pay for a lawyer to get my son back, in a fair and decent way.

I have been praying for a serious miracle and maybe there will be one in store. So I'm staying positive and looking up. Maybe, maybe, we'll see...because I'm understand the need for back-up plans 1,2, and 3, but I'm committed. All I can say, is that I am FULLY committed, to fighting for my son and getting this taken care of in a way that is also fair to us, without prejudice to my future and the future of my son.

No, no "favors" for anything. I just said I kissed someone. And I said I pulled a pencil out from behind another guy's ear with my teeth. Well, you see, the one I'm now living with, I didn't even kiss that night and he's not the one I used my teeth against. But we're together now and have known eachother a couple months or more and some things are falling into line.

Shaping UP I say! Got to go...I think I still have a frickin' job tomorrow, which is another good stroke of luck...

I still love someone I think I was almost in love.

Shit happens

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