Monday, January 26, 2009


I saw an epileptologist or whatever today so more testing. I don't think there will be anyting on EEG or EKG because I'm not having any seizures now. I only had them when I was younger and then older.

The only thing I guess I could have argued with, is the idea that one man (not the doctor but an assistant) wrote down my seizure like stuff from 15 years could be attributed to some kind of PMS but I know that's not true. It wasn't just sweating and everything, it was way worse and I have witnesses who saw what was going on.

I'm nervous that an EKG will just do nothing. I need an MRI or PET or something to see if any damage has been done, in the PAST, from seizures, or whatever.

At any rate, I woke up many times last night because of back pain. I had to take 2 vicodin and then 2 valium because my back hurt so bad and I had numbness again. The numbness comes and goes.

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