Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Fight for Political Asylum

I am still making my fight and case for political/religious asylum based on what has happened to me and my son in this country.

I was going to visit some embassies in person today but didn't feel like trudging in the snow with my back out. So instead I'm getting some writing and research in.

I've been told maybe someone will assist, but I'm not counting on it and because I don't know if it's a tactic to stall and delay and create false hope for me, I am also proceeding on my own, contacting some trial attorneys I met in the past, who are pointing me in a few different directions.

In some ways, I may have to take a private attorney to WA or fly him there, but I'm finding more evidence for grounds for a federal lawsuit, which, I'm still talking to lawyers, may be possible to file over here. For violations of civil rights and to have the entire case thrown out and dismissed.

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