Friday, January 23, 2009

My Hostessing Style

The kind of waitressing/bartending/hostessing I like...Will tell.

I don't like the seen-and-not-heard crap. I'm a hostess not a servant. I don't enjoy waitressing for the pleasure of serving food on trays. What I like, is people and putting a drink in their hands.

I got in trouble for noticing people were without drinks and asking what they would like. The guy said to me to let people come to ME.

I've always been a hostess. When I was a little girl, I was always the one offering the plumber or construction guy a glass of water or a cold drink while he was working. I did this at the Thebault's too. He looked shocked and said most people didn't do this--he was doing some kind of construction work on the house.

That is just how I am. AND, people like talking to me and I don't like this shit where someone wants you to stand in a corner and be a fly on the wall. I'm not a fly. If someone wants to talk to me and socialize, I am an apt conversationalist and listener.

My philosophy is that "this is my home" and the goal is to make people feel it is THEIR home and to want to come back, knowing they have a friend in me or someone to chat with. I have to offer a drink, and I want to know if someone is hungry. And I want to get to know you and exchange some laughs.

If that's too much for a posh place, I'm not a posh girl.

Every bar and restaurant has a different environment, ambiance and philosophy. What I notice though, too, is that other servers sometimes get jealous of me when I get along so well with "customers". WHY?

I'm so fucking tired of jealousy. If you want attention, go out and get it. Talk to people. Don't scowl at me because I'm having fun and someone else is having fun talking to me.

Go get yours. There's plenty to go around.

I don't like checking coats. I don't like carrying trays. I don't like unscrewing a wine bottle because I still am not strong enough. Bring on the fucking screw top caps. LOL. All I want to do at a place, is socialize and make people comfortable with their own friends and fed and happy with something to drink. That's it.

I guess I act like I own the place and some people don't like that. I don't like moshing into little groups of servers. I enjoy sitting at the bar and getting to know the old woman and the sad man who just lost his job, and cheering people up and empathizing with them.

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