Friday, January 2, 2009

My Red Blood Cell Count of 2.

I was discharged from ER with this CBC:

White blood cell count: 8.2
Red blood cell count: 2.87
Hemoglobin: 9.2
Hemocrit: 25.1

I decided to look up red blood cell count. They told me to take "iron" for it, but I don't think that's going to help when my count isn't low because of a bad diet. I lost, and am still losing, blood. I was eating well before, and took an iron supplement, and I don't know that an iron supplement is going to help this much. If there is a bone marrow problem in producing red blood cells, it's even more difficult to get levels up again. When I was pregnant, my red blood cell count was 8 something. I think a high 8.something. I took a good multivitamin and iron supplement. Then, they gave me a blood transfusion when my blood count was at 7. Now it's at 2.87?! and I'm going home to take iron?

It's good that the hemoglobin is up but I'm pretty sure the hemocrit is still quite abnormally low. And even the white blood cell count is low, in abnormal ranges.

So I guess it's good I have good hemoglobin because for the very few red blood cells that I have in my blood, they must be working overtime and getting by on hemoglobin alone.

Okay, learning about blood cells:

Normocytic anemia may be caused by decreased production (e.g., malignancy and other causes of bone marrow failure), increased destruction (hemolytic anemia), or blood loss. The RBC count is low, but the size and amount of hemoglobin in the cells are normal.

This is what I have. Normocytic anemia. It's caused by blood loss. If it's not a nutritionally related anemia, I fail to see how it will be corrected with iron. It seems to me they should have given me a blood transfusion again. That's just my opinion--one in five.


  1. I found your post when searching about low blood count. I had a baby in September and after the C-Section (had 3 C-sections prior to that so it was a required repeat for the 4th) I was told that my blood count was at a 7. I think that was red blood count. The doctor said I was at a 10 when I came in and they had to be extra careful that I did not lose a lot of blood. They thought they were going to give me a blood transfusion in the hospital, but they did send me home and gave me iron pills to take. I think they were called Ferrex or something like that. This was 5 months ago. I felt fine after that for awhile. But, right now I feel so bad, I am not sure if I should go to the ER. I am having trouble getting a doctors appt. I am 30 years old. I don't have a family doctor. I am waiting for the doctor's office to call me back about if I was approved to be a patient and set an appt time. I have been feeling so weak that I thought I might have CFS/ME until my mom reminded me of being anemic in the past. She has been having to come over here and watch my kids in the morning so that I can lay down. I have been sleeping until almost 2 p.m. If your blood count is as low as you posted, you should have gotten a blood transfusion! My mom's was at a 5 in the 70s and the doctor called her comatose to the insurance that was trying to get a second opinion. The doctor ended up giving her an emergency blood transfusion without insurance approval. Can't believe they sent you home when it was that low!!!!

  2. Hi!

    If you are that tired, where you have to sleep and have someone else watch your kids, you should definitely go to ER. If you're breastfeeding you might be a little more tired than usual--I was exhausted while breastfeeding, but since your blood count was so low, and you don't feel good, don't wait for an appointment. Just go in and tell them and hopefully they'll do a full CBC and whatever else you think is appropriate. You know your body better than anyone. I have been right, over the opinions of doctors, about my own well-being or problems, probably 9 times out of 10. Believe in yourself! You can do it. Go ahead and get thee to an infirmary! ;)

    Let us know how you are later and what they discovered.

