Friday, January 2, 2009

People I Noticed

First there was a guy with a speech problem and the last name Garrett, and then there was a guy who spoke Spanish but didn't look hispanic necessarily. A guy couple from Spain came in--two good looking metrosexuals, and then a couple, and then another couple I recognized from somewhere but I don't know where. She had reddish hair and he had blond hair. He looked a little like my uncle and she looked Eastern European in a way. For some reason, I wanted to give her a hug, and we were in the waiting room, and then I later found out, she was also going to ER and they had her do a sonogram before me. I think she lost a baby or something. I saw her looking straight at the ceiling on the stretcher as she was wheeled away and her husband's look of concern.

I was registered by a Diana who I liked a lot. A really beautiful woman, personality and everything. I thought, she gives new meaning to the name. I liked the name as a tribute to Princess Diana, but this was another kind of Diana, who did justice to the name. She had dark hair and I think she may have been Jewish (sort of the look, a little) or possibly Catholic, but that kind of white skin, dark hair, nose and full lips look. She was just bright and full of life and warm. Then we went back and I saw several doctors and nurses again.

One, I noticed, seemed protective of me, and he took over when I was being wheeled out of the sonogram room. He seemed a little nervous too, or felt bad for me. I don't know why, but I swear he knows me somehow. He took some blood or hooked me up to the IV and I later saw him at the desk when I was leaving. It was when I met him, briefly, that I realized I am going to be in love with someone someday. It wasn't that I thought this about him, but that I recognized there was something about him that was special and that there are a lot of men out there with something to offer, and I've just not met my match, so-to-speak. I noticed my attraction to him, which was good, because I didn't feel like I could be attracted to anyone again--just too much for me. He was sort of take charge and sensitive too, and I just liked him. Of course, I noticed later he had a ring and that was fine--it was still good for me to see how it was possible. I also noticed a very tall guy who was a nurse or intern, and a couple other guys who noticed me, and I noticed them, and I got a positive feeling. There were two men who I noticed that seemed to know me but were sort of negative--or I got a negative vibe from them. One was blond and a little shorter and the other was shorter and had very dark hair and smirked at me when I was waiting for sonogram. He came in while I was waiting, and went into a room and then came out and looked at me and I didn't get the best feeling from him. I also noticed a couple of doctors trying to set up their MRI machines and I liked both of them--one was conservative Jewish (I think) with beard and the other was a blond in a ponytail.

Anyway, what was good to notice was that even when I was in a lot of pain, and going through all of this, I was surprised that I could be attracted to anyone or that anyone would seem to notice me. To me, it said something is around the corner, and that it is possible, and that there is someone for me, who likes me the way I am or will like me the way I am, who will tolerate my faults as I tolerate theirs, and I think we're going to stay interested in each other and happy.

I guess it hit me because it wasn't something I was trying, or expecting, to realize on a trip to ER, and was the furthest thing from my mind, but it popped up anyway. Such strange timing, but because of it, made it stand out more and was more of a lesson to me; making me pay attention to what I was feeling and what was going on around me.

I know, whoever it is, he isn't from Wenatchee. Ha!

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