Friday, January 9, 2009

Possibility of My Twins Becoming a Chimera

Well, now that I know I was carrying twins, and one was in the ovary, it stands to reason, as I have sectoral heterochromia, that it is possible the baby in my ovary was in the process of being "absorbed" by the baby located in the normal place of the uterus.

I named that baby "James", which, I later found out, means "supplanter" or "he who usurps" so if he was absorbing the other one, the name would certainly fit.

Either that ovarian baby would have been absorbed by James, and this is a striking genetic thing, of mosaicism, which I may also be the product of, OR, it was just a twin in the ovary who may have survived had he and James not BOTH been killed by medical negligence.

Sorry, but I went in SEVERAL times to be examined, because of what I said was severe and unusual pain, and no one investigated as they should have. THEN, I was given an abortion medication after the first one died, and it is possible someone knew about the other ectopic and didn't want me to know and just hoped it would "shrink real fast".

Nevertheless, I specifically asked the hospital to preserve James and send him over to a particular funeral home, which I spoke with, and they said they asked for James and the Prince George Hospital tried to refuse.

I would advise that hospital, if you don't want some MAJOR bad PR, just keep this up. And just wait until I get the photo loaded of my "blood letting" by GW and what I discovered about their connection to Fairfax which was supposed to be assuming my care and delayed in getting me in, and then minimized the fact that I was high risk and went in complaining of severe pain.

Anyway, if the one twin was being absorbed by James, there would be genetic evidence. It would be my DNA, the father's DNA, and the twins' combined DNA. However that works.

Anyone who might want to examine James for this, might have my permission, after I have his independent pathology done, but PGH will not get this favor and they know it, nor will Fairfax INOVA, or GW. So none of these people should even ask.

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