Friday, January 2, 2009

OBGYN thinks I need ER (and on incompetent cervix)

Yeah this is just great. From what I'm reading now, if there is still placenta or other tissue being expelled, it's not a "complete" miscarriage and you usually have to have medication or surgery to fix it.

Just what I need. And more bleeding to go along with it, I know.

I do not think, frankly, that my life is very safe, overall.

They're going to have to treat this, and before they can even treat it, because of my severe bleeding, they're going to have to do blood analysis and see if there is anything wrong with my blood that could end up giving me worse hemmorhage through further procedures.

And I've got a new red spot on my hand. Just weird spots showing up on my skin.

I called another OBGYN who happened to take the call, from GW OBGYN and she thinks I should maybe go in for a D&C now, but after hearing about my concerns of the prolapse and thinned lining and cervical incompetence, from traumatic childbirth injuries before, she understands why a D&C is a risk and why I'd want to avoid it.

The radiology report I was given, also indicates there is the possibility of leftover material, even though I have been diagnosed with a "complete miscarriage", it appears there is reason to think it may not be "complete". This is what the first paragraph says:

"The endometrial stripe is somewhat thickened, measuring 1.8 cm in diameter. It demonstrates heterogeneous echotexture. Vascular flow is documented within a portion of the endometrial strip, although much ofthe interrogated ednometrial stripe demonstrates absence of vascular flow. Although much of the echogenicity within the endometrial stripe/cavity may reflect blood products, the possibility of residual products of conception cannot be definitely excluded.

There is a small amount of simple appearing free fluid in the cul-de-sac."

The OBGYN said I have already failed medical management, because she said they tried to complete the process with Cytotec and it was a failure, and caused severe hemmorhage and need for blood transfusion.

So now, she said the only way to manage it would be through a D&C, but if I have a blood problem, instead of helping the bleeding, it could cause hemmorhage again and I could require further blood transfusions.

After hearing what's going on, she thought Methergine was okay, but maybe under medical supervision, if I was having problems still.

I don't want to go back to ER a third time. Not unless we can really fix what's going on, and I think before any surgery is done, I need some blood analysis to see if I have clotting or any other disorders, so I don't have more hemmorhage. But also, she said the risk now, is that because there is this much blood and potential placenta or whatever left, I could hemmorhage at home even, if it was lost all at once.

Taking Methergine, I think, would put me at risk of loosening up more placenta if it's there, and could create hemmorhage again. Which is why I didn't want to take it at home by myself. I didn't know or think there was anything left at that time, but I didn't want to risk another bad reaction.

This piece that I have, is paler in color when stretched. It stretches out like tissue, not like a blood clot. It's like a piece of placenta.

I also definitely think I have incompetent cervix from damages from last childbirth. That midwife was stretching and pulling on it for an hour and a half, like I've always said, and I was having problems before the heartbeat stopped, with bath water getting in and trapped and then escaping. Dr. Spitzer tried to say it was urine from incontinence but I told her it was not. I could tell when I had incontinence because I could feel where it came out from. With this, I smelled the liquid and it was water, it was not urine, and I could feel it passing from inside of my body, higher up like it was suddenly coming out of the cervix. I was already having severe pain from prolapse besides, and everything was hanging lower.

Then, I didn't miscarry until 3 weeks after the heartbeat stopped, and when it happened, I felt small contractions first, and there was no blood at all, until a burst was felt inside, and then I gushed blood and the fetus was out within one hour from the time I felt the burst. This is how miscarriage from incompetent cervix happens. It happens very suddenly, because things break free because they're not supported properly. My cervix wasn't open enough to be in a true labor-miscarriage state. It was only opened because it was incompetent to begin with, and the fetus had to be pulled from it, because it was just open enough to be unable to support the weight any longer. I had most of the pregnancy symptoms, up until the time I took the Cytotec. After taking Cytotec, which was after the one fetus came out, I still had pregnancy symptoms until a few hours after having the blood transfusion.

It happened because of incompetent cervix. The baby would have died anyway, and I would have miscarried, because I couldn't hold things in properly. That is the fault of Wenatchee. The fault of PGH is having a crappy MRI machine that didn't work right and stopped the baby's heartbeat.

Just spoke with another doctor that I didn't like much. Gerry Marfori. Did NOT like her. She wouldn't let me talk and explain what was going on. Dr. Collins was the one who believes I should go in, but understands my concerns about having a D&C. Marfori was almost hostile and I know I wouldn't want her doing any procedures on me. She said she read my ultrasound too, and yet she was trying to argue that everything was normal, even if I was still passing placenta when I shouldn't be after everything that's already been done.

I'm starting to wonder if it's okay for me to have the blood levels I had, of 2.9 or whatever, for red blood cell count and other things. I am just questioning everything again, because it seems I'm the one, again, figuring things out about my medical condition. Collins was very helpful though and not pushy one way or the other.

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