Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Proof for Political/Religious Asylum

I'm pulling my fucking proofs together.

I am not staying here, and I have more than enough concrete evidence to prove the U.S. has allowed certain groups and individuals with government positions, to get away with harming me and my son without cause.

I am collecting every single piece of documentation I need, to prove, once and for all, that I have been defamed, injured, falsely arrested and charged with things I've not done, and that regardless of where I move, there is no sanctuary or equal treatment by police with regard to my reports.

No one is fucking investigation CRIME committed by members and employees of federal and state organizations, and this is the sign of a sick country.

If no other group is able to pull something together, it shows you who is at the top and that this is not going to get better, but will only get worse.

I even wrote to the fucking Washington State Bar and their excuse for not getting ahold of my case file is that they "can't do 2 things at once", i.e., cannot take a complaint from me and cannot enforce my right to a copy of my case file when I was ordered to be pro se.

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