Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Pursued or Pursing the Leftie League

This is getting stranger by the moment. This novio I have, I guess, well, it seems to me he's a leftie. I didn't notice it until later, when it's the only hand he used for the remote for the t.v. I was like, "huh?" what the hell.

Okay, no big deal. It's unconfirmed and who cares, right? But THEN, today, I got a ride from this guy who Italian and Argentinian or something and he writes his number down for me and he wrote with his fucking left hand. I looked at this and said, "YOU'RE A LEFTIE????" he probably thought I was a nut. Like, so what. But I had approached HIM for a ride and of course, here he is, walking over to the gas station, and what the hell? I'm smelling leftie pheromones from like 300 yards away?

Then he told me his wife was right handed but he was a leftie and his father is and his two kids are as well, a girl and a boy.

Okay, can I tell you, these are WEIRD odds. I mean, beyond WEIRD.

There are not that many fucking lefties in the world and yet I hadve this radar or something or they find me or something WEIRD happens, and I keep running into this total minority and it's not like I should be able to tell ahead of time.

Actually, this guy who is Italian/Arg., said he was ambidextrous. So that's a little different. But he wrote with his left hand and that wasn't forced. Then he said he did other things with his other hand.

So, aside from the incidence of lefties in my life, I have to relay the great trips or rides I've had in the last couple of days.

I'm living in the middle of fucking nowhere. There's a bus somewhere but it's snow and ice and who the hell cares? This is not Metro-land, it's bus lanes for 15 minutes in the freezing cold. So I find a nice man or two, and voila! my feet are warm and I am meeting a new interesting person.

Yesterday I met Red Bull man, who was said he was concerned about giving me a ride because of insurance reasons. I nodded and tried my best smile and said "I know, and I promise you, I will wear my seatbelt." So he laughed and said okay and then I got a ride and he was from S. Korea, really nice and then I said, "Is this a Red Bull truck?" and he said yes, and I cannot believe my audacity, but when he was dropping me off I asked if he gave out promos of Red Bull. So he laughed again and gave me a Red Bull. Love that man.

Then I met Coca-cola man. No, I didn't leave with a Coca-cola but he's the guy who was the leftie, noticeably. So I was so suprised by the fact I'd picked out this leftie, and we talked about this.

Then, my best accomplishment, was getting a ride from a very timid younger man in a nice European car who was parked at the gas station. I just needed a ride to the library. He said he didn't know where it was and he barely knew one word of English. The roads were covered with snow and ice and it wasn't very safe to walk, in my high heeled boots. So this is why I decided to chance asking for a ride, from trustworthy people.

So this guy cracks his window a half an inch and stares at this woman looking at him, through his window and waving. He looked worried. So he didn't know where the library was and neither did I. I said, please? and my best smile didn't work. He said, "Sorry."

I looked him straight in the eye and said the first thing that came to my mind:

"You're from South Korea, aren't you?" and I smiled knowingly. I didn't know who the fuck he was, but this thought came to me.

He startled back and looked at me and said, "yes!"

He had said almost nothing and I don't know a S. Korea accent. He'd mainly just nodded or shrugged. But somehow I knew.

So then I told him, "I THOUGHT SO!" with sort of a wink and said, "I tutored a lot of people from South Korea, in English. Will you please give me a ride? for my Korean friends?" I may have added, "for kimchee and Korean BBQ?" He smiled and said yes and it was no problem. Then we had fun and talked for awhile, and he told me he had only been in the U.S. for 2 months. So I told him if he needed help with Spanish I might be able to help him. Then we exchanged numbers and that was it and we had a nice chat. I told him I'd give him some English lessons in exchange for a laptop. I pulled a book out of my bag and showed it to him and he said he had that very book! Coincidence.

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