Friday, January 2, 2009

Results from ER & Reappearing Records

I'm really tired so not writing much until later.

I went to ER with very severe pain and bleeding and I don't know, when they discharged me, they said I was "stable" and a doctor was saying this was within realm of "normal", but several other docs disagreed and thought I should not be bleeding this far along, as much as I am, especially after taking Cytotec. I am still bleeding like a heavy period, with many clots. The pain is most worrisome, and the ultrasound done internally was excruciating when it touched the one ovary that has something inside of it.

Now, the doctor was saying it was probably not ectopic, but this seems strange, because the reasoning was that it was "inside" and not "outside" of the ovary. It can still be ectopic if it's inside, it's just more rare. It doesn't seem like a normal cyst because the pain is too great.

However, it had died or was not living at the time of exam, and my HCG levels were going down. I don't know if they'd go down if it died a long time ago, being small, and the HCG is mainly from the other fetus or what.

At any rate, I liked a few of the doctors and attendants and didn't care for others.

Something I thought was very odd, was that all of the radiology photos from the other day suddenly "reappeared". They were gone, and when the radiologists gave me a copy of the CD, there were only a few photos on it. As of yesterday, all the other photos were back in the computer. I asked a radiologist and she said all the information would be in one place and said anything taken would be in one place and easy to retrieve. So it's a little strange the photos were edited out, but at any rate, they are back, though I still wasn't allowed to see them.

They took more photos of the ovary yesterday and got better images, but I still wasn't allowed to see them. I don't know why not.

The disappearing sonagram photos was a little odd, and my record at the other hospital, of my initial visit, had also disappeared but I don't know if they've found it. They also "lost" some of my samples at the other hospital and were wanting me to give more samples because of it, and then after I refused to give anymore samples at the time (being tired and in pain) they "found" them.

I'll write more later but I'm tired right now. I wasn't comfortable until they gave me at least 2 mg. of Dialdid in an IV, but it made me naseaus too.

I think I'm beginning to become a good people "reader". There were some people there who I could tell were really good "people" and who, it seemed, also might know me though I didn't know them. I don't know how to explain it, but there were a couple, and I recognized one couple even from the waiting room. Then there were just a couple who seemed to know me as well, and I got a bad vibe. I'll write about it later.

I'm really tired.

A really nice guy is taking care of the baby and keeping it preserved. If he wants to do an independent autopsy, I may let him do it, but the baby is being transfered to safekeeping, at no cost to me, by a really nice guy who owns a big business.

My blood levels are okay, and bp is okay too. When I went in, I thought it would be fine but was mainly concerned about INCREASING pain when I'm this far along, and about the constant bleeding. I was more worried that any intervention might cause further bleeding. I wanted to have my blood tested for problems or abnormalities, but they wouldn't do it there. I had to fight to even get formally tested for a kidney infection, but that came clear too. I was really surprised by that because of the new back pain. I really, really, thought I probably had a kidney infection but they said there was some bacteria, but no infection.

I have to wait and see if the bleeding stops. Now I'm supposed to give it 10 days. So that's fine, but it does seem odd, and some doctors agreed, at this point, having been given Cytotec, I should not be bleeding so heavily and clotting still. They still confirmed there is nothing left inside the uterus that is causing the bleeding. If there was something leftover, I'm told this would be a cause for further bleeding, but there's not. It's just that the bleeding will not stop.

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