Monday, January 12, 2009

Stimulus Package for The Rich, Not the People

Where's the fucking 700 billion for the people? Those automakers didn't have to "work for it" or have jobs created for them to first work at and then receive. Those banks had parties. It's not even QUESTIONED that this welfare giveaway money is just thrown at these corporations, and the rest of the people are told they might get a fucking "stimulus package".

You know what the stimulus package should have been? It should have been for the banks and automakers, in the form of a promise that once the people were PAID, their consumerism would stimulate big business. I'm going to post that again, for emphasis. This country is just turning into a talking head crock of shit. The PEOPLE should have been paid FIRST. Not last, and through some stimulus package they have to work through like rats in a maze. That money should have been a gift to people, to compensate for the crap pulled by big business and policies that have been screwing the American people for decades.

No one even seriously questions this. It's like, haha to the people, because we're all peons and to be derided like the plumbers. We can't be trusted with the money and using it to stimulate the economy ourselves. We watch like we're fucking THREE and FOUR year olds, as the money is dealt out to parental hands, the hands of the same corporations who have been tearing apart civil rights and the system with their bully lawyers and policies.

No one wakes up. No one thinks, "Hmmm. this IS odd." No, everyone just nods or gripes and accepts it. It's like the fucking tea tax and NO ONE here is willing to say, "THE HELL WITH YOU" and turn the tea into the sea and demand representation for the PEOPLE. This country is a fucking representation of government for government, the RICH, and the sloppy corporations we're all supposed to thank and kneel to for providing "jobs" when they've abused their positions and power for far too long.

Thank you daddy, thank you Jesus, thank you for the chance to work in your fields and pick fucking bugs off of your plants. Do you have enough paint to keep the fences white and shining? I'm so glad you have this big white house to live in, because I appreciate the shade when I'm out picking your cotton. Did you make enough from the last season? Oh NO! Are we gonna be out of more cotton plants to pick?

GET A FUCKING GRIP AMERICANS and take your fucking money and your government back.

You just stand there, nodding, saying "yes m'am".

Don't worry, you'll keep your auto parts jobs. Don't worry, Big Daddy will see to it you have something to put on your blue collar table. Don't worry, you can still store your savings with us...cough, cough, Daddy will make sure to take GOOD care of it.


it's the saddest thing, that THIS idea, the one for the PEOPLE, is the joke. The one for the plumbers is something to scorn. No, we should wait our turn until we have more jobs to choose from so we can WORK for our money FIRST, like the peasants should.

Does anyone FUCKING HEAR ME?

I am a fucking voice crying in the wilderness and I hear my voice echoing off of the caves and the rocks as the landslide is getting ready to demolish everyone sitting around content in the crumbling village.

That was your money taxpayers. This IS your money. They work for YOU, YOU don't work for THEM.

So Obama, are you willing to risk what it will take for real "change"? Or are you a black dove in a pretty white house. I am challenging you--Step UP. You should be starting this revolution and crying out for it, not me.

I thought this was important enough to post about 3 times under a couple different titles. I cannot handle it. People think I should just settle with what's happened to me and my son they way they fold their hands over the whole country. It's wrong. Wrong.

There is going to be a revolt, and I would bet money, Hispanics will have a major role in it. It may not be visible yet, but it is just around the corner.

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