Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thinking About My Son

I seriously think there are a bunch of people who do NOT want me to have my son. Some of them because they're narrow-minded religious dumbells. Some, because they think it will be a way to make me suffer. And then I think there are some others who think it's just fine if I have someone else raising my child and I'm working for some agency or something, because I and my son have been in dangerous situations (but not because it's been my fault). I had someone asking me what if I lost my son, I'd still be fine, right? I said no, I would NOT be "fine" and said, "no mi vida finis si no tengo mi hijo." and then he said no.

Even if I lost my son short-term, I would come back and slay the state and my own family or ANYONE who dares adopt my son, with a major lawsuit. And, if I did lose my son for any reason, I WOULD move to another country and marry someone who is loaded and then come back and sue the shit out of people and get my son.

But that's not going to happen, because I'm fighting for my son here and now, and I'm getting ready to examine filing a suit in federal court. I have plenty of time in statutes.

I also have plenty of time in statutes to file against the fucking FBI and Portland police for joint obstruction of justice and intimidation of a victim.

No way in hell am I letting that slide.

I am not some kind of person who never wanted kids and is just going to closet them with someone else when I know my BEST gift and talent is being a mother. I was made a mother for a reason, because God knows I am god-damn good at it. Of all my talents, and gifts, and skills, there is nothing I am better at than being a very intelligent and well-educated parent who is affectionate and considerate of her children.

These people from CPS and the state could learn a thing or two from ME, not the only way around.

My son knows this. He knows it, and I know it and my own fucking family knows this and they are so concerned with self-interest and financial preservation they don't care about admitting it to the state or anyone else.

And no, I'm not going to be a nanny ever again. But I WAS planning to start my own small educational daycare and CPS and the state knew this, and by claiming they won fact finding, they have destroyed my primary form of income.

My entire life I worked with children. It was my primary occupation, and CPS has destroyed this and damaged this because now, according to law, I cannot be licensed. I told my own parents and they didn't believe me, because obviously, I am not related to the Garrett or Baird family and was somehow switched at birth.

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