Friday, January 9, 2009

Was in ER Again, For "Blood Letting"

I was in the ER again recently. More to tell. The first two times, to GW, no problems, in general. This third time, it was as if someone knew I might be back, and I had horrible problems with certain doctors and residents. A couple of doctors, I can put on a very good mention, but there were a couple, including, specifically Dr. Collier and Dr. Salemy, who were so intentionally mean, I question there intentions in taking direction over my care. I will write about what happened. One thing I want to do too, is put up a photo of one of the things that happened. One of the nurses who was mean to me, let my blood flow back into an empty saline bag, and wouldn't clamp it off until after I made repeated requests and was about to pull the cord to ask for other help. I got the IV and bag out of the garbage before they had a chance to dispose of it, and took it home. It is filled with my blood. Then, they refused to flush out the IV end in my arm, which had my old blood in it, and kept pushing new medications through it. But I'll get a photo up of the IV of my blood. No, I didn't get any blood transfusions there--I got a blood letting instead. And certain doctors purposefully withheld pain relievers from me when they knew I would be having pain. I was also denied the right to speak with the doctors who had helped me, the right to medical release forms, to a phone book, and the results of blood tests they did on me. They also tried to refuse giving me anything for severe nausea before discharging me to "bedrest".

I also have a better idea now, why those sonogram photos were edited and then "reappeared". I wondered why this would happen at THIS hospital where I'd never been. Well guess what, Salemy, who was hateful towards me without reason (it was like she HATED me and I didn't even know who she was) told me the residents from Fairfax INOVA, including "Army Wife", were from GW. GW sends their own students to Fairfax to that clinic for training. So when I presented several times with severe pain, and got stupid answers, and no one did proper diagnostics, and when they failed to find an ectopic when I TOLD them this pain and the prolapse was unbearable, well, it could have been GW students to blame. And then finding the ectopic on sonogram, would have been evidence of negligence.

Not only that, my ectopic baby was ABORTED without my consent and they were trying to conceal the photos from radiology from me. It may have died with the other one, at MRI, but it's possible, because of my very high HCG levels, that it was alive until I was made to take Cytotec, which would KILL and shrink up an ectopic.

And then GW wanted me to take MORE of an abortant, to further shrink the ectopic.

They knew I had twins.

So many things went wrong here, you have no idea. I am getting some fresh air, but when I come back, you will hear exactly how I was mistreated, and how two of my babies died because of BAD U.S. healthcare, once again, and because of the refusal of Wenatchee to admit they put me at high risk for another pregnancy to begin with.

I will never have another baby in the United States again. Ever. I want my son's social security number removed as I requested, and the government lied about removing and rescinding as well.

I want my children to have no part of this country. And after I write about what happened at this hospital last visit, I will tell you what my plans are for leaving the U.S. and suing to get Oliver back, which will mean suing my own family unfortunately.

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