Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wellbaum Swaps My Case File With Cassel

RE: Copy of My Case File‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 1/22/09 8:15 PM

You told me never to write, or your secretary did, with the threat to sue me for harassment or something. So I am only responding because I got this mail from you directly.

I do NOT have the case file, and I swear to God, I would not lie about this. I never received it. Since I have been in D.C. I've received very LITTLE mail from Washington state.

I have confirmed I received a few letters from you, which you sent to the place I was first at, in Blaine. So I got those, and I acknowledged them. I kept you abreast about anything I didn't receive.

I also confirmed with Michelle Erickson today that I DID get the big box of "discovery" from the state/CPS, about a month and a half after the Fact Finding hearing. I didn't receive it before and my former roommate, boyfriend, and father of my last twin pregnancy, signed for that box. I got it too late, but I DID get it. Other than that, I've received NOTHING.

I have never received anything from Ms. Wellbaum except email and very little email at that. She did NOT give me a copy of the case file, period. I wouldn't lie about this and there is no misunderstanding. I've given the court and any PD, my address info whenever I've moved. I've had to move a few times, but I always gave current information.

There is no way the Bar has "proof" that I received the case file when I did not receive it. I should have received a file that contained all documents including copies of motions and orders AND audio CDs. There is actually no reason why I should have even PAID for any CD unless it was one made from a hearing after I was told by the Judge that I had to be "pro se". I was not told this until the same hour of the hearing for Contested Sheltercare. So any and all CDs and audio files prior to this, should have been in my case file. I've not received this information.

I am tired of your and Wellbaum's repeated tossing of my case, back and forth between the two of you. You both did this when I was supposedly being "represented" and it screwed me up, and you guys knew it. You strung me along with one thing and then the other, and when I tried to fire you, you REFUSED until I had a hearing held against me and lost and then the Judge said okay, you could then leave.

All of you worked together and deprived me of my rights.

I did NOT get discovery from the state and there is zero documentation anyone was able to even sign for anything until it was too late, after the Fact Finding. As for you and Wellbaum, I kept asking both of you to send me a copy of my case file after I tried to fire you and you guys just kept tossing me and my file back and forth. The Bar does NOT have any "proof" I've received a copy of the case file because it's not true. I never signed for it, and I never received it, and I do NOT have any of the CDs which should accompany such a file.

Not only that, what the hell did you do with my note from the doctor from Whatcom County which you were supposed to file for my change of venue but never did? Michelle Erickson told me today that you filed it, but we all know that in the hearing after this change of venue which I missed, the Judge even said WHERE was this note? and he'd never received it, and YOU ADMITTED you did enter it into the record because, you said, it was not important.

This case is getting dismissed, Paul, for a number of reasons. I don't know how you run your usual business in Wenatchee, but your whole system should be shut down. You know it was improper for you to represent me when you worked for the Bairds and Locklyn rather than me and my wishes, and when you were a former PARTNER of the Judge. How good does it look, that you refused to file a recusal for this judge, when you're BUDDIES, and then HE returns the favor by trying to keep me from filing complaints against you and Wellbaum? It isn't right, and you know I'll put this online like everything else, but I am speaking to you frankly. It is and was wrong, and you KNOW it. AND then, to prove MY point, what does Hotchkiss do? After I tried to recuse him, for prejudice, what did he do next?! He told me to go pro se with ZERO notice, on the spot, and then hung up on me and wouldn't even let me back into the process.

I am not going through any of these so-called "services". You people in Wenatchee, need to get out of your shells and leave the state and get a fresh view on something else. You are not going to grow in any way, if you stay in that town. You're not too old to change your spots and you should leave. Besides, if you're so into swinging, you would be happier in Florida or even D.C. where they have clubs all over the place and no one cares. It costs $70 for the guys, usually, and the women get in for free. I am not kidding. Do what you want with your personal life and I don't judge you for that if you're an honest person with others. But what you guys are doing over there with the justice system, is wrong. How many people have been screwed? How many hispanic people have gone to PRISON because they didn't get a normal defense?

My son never should have been taken from me and what was done was illegal, all the way. You guys have people in the defense system who try to COERCE people to take guilty pleas when they are NOT guilty.

I have no idea why you decided to write to me. Obama? what? cause now I'm going to finally get my FOIA from the FBI and I'm going to find out who in Wenatchee has been cooperating with them to screw me over?

Screw women, not your fucking clients.

I do not have my case file and if I don't get it, I will be filing a lawsuit without it, and a federal judge will have to order it be given to me. I have every reason and grounds for having this whole case dismissed and thrown out.

If that doesn't happen, it is going to be very expensive for a lot of people later, to pay for their defense lawyers. If any of you think I'm sitting around doing nothing over here, you're wrong.

And, I think it's odd that ONCE AGAIN, my case file is changing hands. How many times did you and Wellbaum swap spit? because I've had enough.



Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 09:45:52 -0800
Subject: Re: Copy of My Case File

Wellbaum advised and has documented, to my understanding, that she previously sent you a copy of the file. She gave the file to me several weeks ago so that I could respond to your Bar complaint. You have been sent the entire file per your previous instructions and the Bar has proof of that. Due to its volumn, I am not going to do it again unless you make arrangements here locally to have it copied again at your expense. Paul Cassel

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