Thursday, February 26, 2009

All Things Are Possible

I often wonder how such large walls, buildings, and bridges are made. How grand schemes are carried out. How certain things are even possible. So I don't know. But I know what I'm hearing and who I'm talking to, even if I may not admit it to anyone immediatly. I knew after give me a break I'm tired. Everyone says that, right? So why do I hear the tone of voice and this phrase seems so unique and with ownership?

One meh is the sudden full identifier of everything? I guess I don't even understand myself then, to know what I know. But how was it possible? How is it possible to reach me that quickly, all three friends?

I don't much about technology but I guess all things are possible and I'm always slow. Some are so fast!

And then I pretend like I don't know. Suddenly feeling happy and surrounded with good things and I don't even know how to explain it. Even having a very small part is enough to make everything better. Any part, and knowing how people who lose their soulmates lose their own lives shortly thereafter...a part of them has died. Knowing you don't have to possess all but cannot live with the idea that anything is wrong with the one you discovered you love. Which on the surface, seems so odd.

Feeling once that a part of your childhood has died and then later that maybe you won't be okay if anything else happens.

Sometimes I guess you can love someone and it doesn't make any difference whether they love you in the same way or not, or whether it's practical, or makes any sense. It may not even be good for you, and some people fall even over a trick or an inside joke, but one person is willing to sacrifice whatever pride is there. Willing to be mocked if they are wrong, disappointed, or alone. Still willing to fight for someone that you're not even "with", in any sense of the word.

Keep me close and keep the voices coming. I love hearing voices, coming in so many various forms. So said the so-called Schitzophrenic. lol.

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