Thursday, February 26, 2009

Back to ER Again

This really sucks. I was feeling better but today the pain was a lot worse and I felt very nauseous with pain at one point. The Percocet with Advil and now, tonight, Flexeril, isn't helping and my stomach is doing weird stuff again.

And then, I noticed, it's hard. I'm still distended but the uterus or stomach is getting hard spots.

My pain isn't controlled by my medications. I took 2 Flexeril a half hour ago to no avail and I'm having all the gas, distention, over-activity again, along with severe cramping that goes to my thighs. The pain radiates to my thighs. I'm still bleeding too. I think a lot of the pain must be from cramping and contractions still.

I am concerned mainly about pain and the hardness. If it wasn't hard I would wait. But it's definitely hard, not soft like it should be.

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