Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Boyfriend's Name Change to "Viao"

I asked my boyfriend to come over and visit and when he did, I was on the computer. We talked a bit and then I was tired so I said I wanted him to be here with me but could we not talk and did he want to sit in a chair and I'd work on the computer and he could read? He looked at me. He said, "You called me to come over and sit in a chair and not talk to you?" He said, "You want me to be your salonist, your driver, and your cat?" I laughed and I said I just wanted to be together but without talking. I said, "Just like a man...Like an hombre, si?"

Then we spent the day together and I told him I want him to cuddle with me on the bed and we could watch t.v., after I finished with the computer. So just now, he said he was going to go because he's been waiting and I said, "No! not yet! I'm almost finished!" So he looks at me and says, "You like your computer more than me. You choose your computer over me. I am second to the computer. You think I should change my name to Viao? No, I know, next time I'll come wearing a t-shirt with a big Apple on it and antennas from my headband. If I look like a computer, you love me more?"

By then we were both laughing. He can be very funny when he wants to be. I think I'm going to tell him this is what I want him to wear, a computer costume. For me. I am not really fulfilling my dream vision of marrying in my newspaper dress of cream but I think that's a vision for something in my future, perhaps, for some other day and time and person. For this wedding, what do I wear? it should be fun. If he's going to wear a Mac shirt (fitting in more than one way)...hmm. I said I'd buy a dress and write on it and he said something about wearing a shirt with writing on it. i thought, "hmm, has he been reading my blog?"

Okay, I have to go. I'm tired and my future is looking brighter now that the spotlight is focused on what my medical problem is. I get nervous, always waiting to hear I have cancer, but this is okay. I'm going to be okay for the short-term at least. And at least for today, I am enjoying the company of my boyfriend and his time with me. And maybe later tonight I'll sneak in an image or two, but not all these images are inspired.

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