Monday, February 9, 2009


this isn't an image, but yesterday, i have to mention this...i had told my boyfriend i was going to meet some other guy to test out my decison to marry, and see what my choices were. it was just to meet up and i told him he was free to do the same. so i got lost all over the place, and then i was so serious, and had just written this guy, or texted him about meeting up and then i drove to the end of the lot and i'm waiting there and this CLOWN, a serious clown, drives by. i swear to god, a bona fide female clown and I just lost it, cracked up laughing. i think i even smacked the steering wheel. i was dying. it was so unexpected, and at that moment, the perfect comic relief. and this woman clown was just staring straight ahead but with a smile on her face which looked even funnier. i could not stop laughing.

it was the weirdest day and then i see this full make-up clown driving right in front of me, like a black cat crossing the street or something, but it's a clown. and i think, this is totally my life.

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