Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I'm having pinching like sharp pains in my cervix.

Umm. I don't think this is normal. I feel like I'm in labor besides, with this cramping and pain. I'm still waiting to talk to the doctor. I haven't had the intravaginal sonogram. I have been bleeding off and on the last two days.

My pain is getting worse, not better. GW wants to be in denial about the ectopic after they were the ones to "discover" it and I saw it for myself after they didn't want me to see it. GW is also in denial about the miscarriage being completed. It's not and that's why I'm having pain and every single radiologist has said the same thing, that it does NOT look like the miscarriage is finished and there IS remaining product. And this can happen even with HCG at zero and not only that, I haven't even had a blood test to confirm what the levels are for sure.

Now I'm having pinching and sharp stabbing feelings in the cervix.

I suppose I will need a full hysterectomy by the time everyone decides to listen to me and figures out what is really wrong.

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