Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ectopic After Endometrial Ablation (microwave)

I found out the exact title of the kind of pregnancy I had, with one in the ovary and the other in the uterus, is called a "heterotopic pregnancy".

I looked up more information about it and the strong risk factors for this rarity are fertilization treatments and microwave exposure through, typically, certain types of surgery like endometrial ablation.

I looked this up and endometrial ablation is a treatment used to thin out and then END, permanently, a woman's periods. It is achieved through the use of microwave technology.

I found this interesting, because I know what was happening to me was not normal and was also not in my head. My periods were immediately affected and I have had the exact same results, of losing my period and then it thinning out to almost nothing.

Then I had the heterotopic in the ovary and read that ectopic risk is increased by this form of ablation or technique, and that ovarian ectopics have a very strongly associated risk in particular. Ovarian is far more rare than a tubal ectopic and certain conditions will increase the odds.

If it thins the lining though, why was my endometrial lining thicker? I wonder if it is because of scarring, which I've read can occur, or if it was simply because of the pregnancy and that the miscarriage or placenta had not gone down yet, which would make sense if I'm still bleeding.

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