Saturday, February 21, 2009

"Ice Water"

Since I've been here, I've heard the words "ice water" at least 300 times. There is a patient that was wheeled in after me, muttering, "Ice water, ice water...". I didn't pay attention until I heard her yell, from her room, "I WANT SOME ICE WATER. GIVE ME SOME FUCKING ICE WATER!" She kept saying, "I don't want that" and "give me some ice water." I perked up when I heard her yelling and knocking things over. I wondered if she'd just been out of surgery where they give you a cup of ice chips to suck on when all you want is some nice cool ice water.

I thought it was just the ice water request and then I realized this woman's brain is fixed on it. She's been saying "ice water" all the time.

I just heard her say "ice water, ice water, ice water, ice water,..." at consistent intervals, until she fell asleep, like she was counting cups of ice water instead of sheep.

I was just thinking how a nurse should put on some music, like "Ice, Ice Baby" or something. I saw a nurse with a boombox on her shoulder, pumping it up, in my mind's eye.

The only thing I'm going to remember of this whole experience, is "ice water, ice water".

"Worlds on fire/it's more than I can handle, Dive into the water..." (sarah mclaughlin lyrics)

Ice water. Ice Water. ice water. ice water. ice water. ice water. ice water. ice water. ice water. ice water. ice water. ice water. ice water. ice water.

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