Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Contract with Boyfriend

My boyfriend and I had a talk. I said if he told me the truth from here out, and didn't lie to me about other women and things, then I wouldn't write bad things about him. I don't know if he's gotten word or not, but he got a slight smile on his face so maybe so. He agreed and I said this was our compromiso.

Probably, in a week we'll move to Wenatchee. I'm just collecting some things and making sure my health is okay and that's the biggest delay.

I'm trying to find my bracelet I wear all the time. I think it's in my bag somewhere and they made me take it off for surgery. I noticed a new bracelet on my boyfriend today with little catholic saints all over it, I think jesus and mary mainly. I guess he said someone gave it to him at the hospital here, as it was left behind as lost and found and they asked him if he wanted it. I want another bracelet too! I don't want one with saints on it though, but if they're passing out leftover things, I'll have to find out where! Maybe I could find a pair of earrings too, and disinfect them of course, I don't know.

At any rate, I may be moving to Wenatchee in one week, or two at the most, if I can get things together here fast enough, because of interruptions with my physical stuff.

He went to the store to find a DVD to watch tonight which will be nice. He's going to call with a list of names of movies to choose from. I don't really know what's good or what's out there.

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