Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Researching Legal Options

I have been researching legal options for retaining an attorney or for paying for a private attorney.

I'm trying to get some answers from people who file federal cases in D.C. and then I've written to Washington state people. If I absolutely have to file a federal case in the state of Washington, I may try to buy Lexis Nexus or a full law program to write my own stuff. I don't believe it's good to rely on a computer program alone, and found Lewis & Clark Law Library to be the rule of thumb for me with the computer program as a help or assist, but in the Wenatchee area, there are no decent law libraries.

I would live in Wenatchee to be close to my son, but I would live in Spokane or Seattle to be close to a law library and to the federal courts. I guess I'd have to file in a federal court in the Spokane area though, maybe, for jurisdiction reasons.

I don't know.

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