Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Unresolved Pain & Incorrect Information

My nurse who was going to help me get the pain medication on time and a little ahead is nowhere to be found. I've been asking for it for over an hour.

I don't understand why it's so hard to keep to a schedule and why it's so hard to get a doctor. I haven't even seen a doctor at all today and I was supposed to see one this morning. I've seen no one.

Also, I was told my HCG levels had been checked by both urine and serum or blood analysis. I looked at my chart today and found this is not true. But two different nurses told me I HAD had my HCG checked by blood and yet it was NOT. So I still need a blood analysis of HCG to see if there's anything left ectopically and for other things.

I think they're going to do an ultrasound or something. I'm being wheeled to radiology but I've not heard what's going on. I asked my nurse about seeing a doctor and she said he's been saying he's coming, but now it's afternoon.

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