Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Another Attempt to Get Family Support (in vain)

RE: Wondering‏
From: cam huegenot (cameocares@live.com)
Sent: Tue 3/17/09 10:11 AM
To: mom dad (dicksiedael@aol.com)

there was nothing wrong with me and there was NO
"risk of imminent harm" to Oliver and that is the condition for removing a child.

You say the judge hung up on me because I wasn't orderly but you weren't there and don't have the evidence.

I'm the one with the evidence, and I have more evidence now, than ever, that clears me of any "instability" as they claimed.

There is nothing "instable" about me. I have already talked to people, and bhy the way, CPS was not claiming "instability"--they told everyone I was schitzophrenic, and I have proof they said this--it's documented to Canada.

They claimed, in hearings, which you were not present for, that doctors had no "motive" to lie, because they said no one INJURED me in childbirth as I was claiming and therefore there was no motive to cover what they did. Theyu did not just say I was mnetally ill and that i had no injuries, to everyone, they said I had no injuries for which there would be PAIN and that therefore I was DRUG SEEKING.

In the hearings, they said I was a drug addict who had no physical injuries which would have necessitated painkillers, and they said I was AT RISK OF INJURING OLIVER.

Oliver has never been at risk.

I have dated and seen several people who are mental health professionals and even the ones in Wenatchee at the time, said there was nothing wrong with me like the state and these ER doctors claimed, and they wanted to know WHY the ER doctors would say I had no injuries, and wouldn't even DO diagnostics when I went in for PAIN. I went into ER for pain, and the doctors wrote into the charts that it was in my head.

That WAS their basis for everythign and their motive was to conceal my actual injuries becuase they were PISSED I was telling EVERYONE about it and they knew I was looking for a malpractice attorney.

I wrote to tell you this is documented on audio CDs. You write the Judge hung up on me for good reason, as if YOU KNOW, but you don't! It was illegal besides, for ANY judge to tell someone, with ZERO notice, that they had to be pro se, on the spot, when the judge knew there was no possible way for me to have discovery or my case file with me, with no notice. You cannot, a lawyer or person PRO SE, defend yourself without your own case file. It's withholding evidence. What the Judge did, was not only unethical, it was illegal.

I am asking you, now that I have evidence that REFUTES what THEY claimed about me, on the record, if you will help pay for the things you said you'd pay for.

Again, I just told you I AM willing to agree to any of your "conditions" as I was willing to do so before.

As for your own opinions of "stability" I could say a few things about your menopause and mood swings for which Dad almost divorced you.

Getting angry and writing in anger, is not instability. It is documenting what most people wouldn't document, becuase they don't write through all their various moods. Everyone has ups and downs and differing opinions. I have never been "manic" or depressive or had any sign of that and I'm not paranid schtizophrenic, which is what Wenatchee doctors and FBI wanted to say, because THEY wanted to say I was just "paranoid" about having injuries I didn't even have, and they tried to bury my complaint of sexual assault against me by two FBI employees. And THAT was totally illegal besides and a very good motive FOR someone to be hacking on my computers as I said was happening, and I WAS TOLD, by OTHERS, that this would cause severe health issues if it was true.

I still have damages from health problems that began when THIS was going on.

You remember, as does everyone else, that I have been told it is not fair for the state to do a psych eval when they are the ones who want to prove something.

I am going to lose Oliver because of bonding time, and Holly and Pablo have said as much and Holly is rude to me and hasn't been cooperative from the start. Last night Granny told me the whole family wants Oliver to be with Holly and Pablo--a "two parent" home.

As for my being willing to marry someone and breaking it off, that's not instability either. I carefully considered this JUST for the very reason that my own family has refused to support ME or my rights, and because, since all of you fot married at age 18 and 20, you think there is something wrong with me for being 34 and choosing to be single. And you know I could have married, at different times, but I never wanted to, and you have ALWAYS made a huge issue of this, and tried to get me to let someone ELSE adopt Oliver when I was pregnant.

You have never supported me as a single mother and I am asking you, one more time, if I can prove to you that the state and doctors lied with a MOTIVE for covering up medical injuries they did which they could have lost a LOT of money over...I'm asking if you are still willing to help me?

I am still saying I will still agree to whatever your "conditions" are. I wanted to see if you are willing to help me or not, give the fact I have always been willing to do this.

You told me you weren't helping me because I didn't like Beaty and so it was my fault--but I have email proof he was asking for more money and wasn't honest and HE was telling me to be PRO SE which everyone else said was a horrible idea and he came up with this idea at the very last minute.

You know the state is getting ready to file termination papers and it seems to me you don't care at all. You have, in no way, shown actual support of me, throughout this entire thing.

I have come to you, one more time, telling you I CHOSE to break up with my fiance, who would have helped with financial costs for the legal matter, because I decided it was wrong, and it would backfire. He still wanted to marry me. There is nothing wrong with me. But I was considering this, for my son, and now I'm back to square one, and I know I did the right thing, and I have a very strong case for myself, but I'm wanting to know if you are willing to help me get an INDEPENDENT evaluation, which I have email from you, where you state clearly you and Dad promised to pay for this.

I can resend you the email and it's online besides. You made the promise, and like I said, I'm still willing to agree to your "conditions".

I have proof there was a bad faith MOTIVE for saying I was a drug addict and had no pain or injuries and for saying I had no injuries. The ER docs said I was mentally ill bc I kept going to ER, telling them about serious and legitimate pain and problems, and they said I had nothing wrong with me and it was in MY HEAD and that my claims I and Oliver were injured in childbirth were "paranoia".

I am more than happy to send you whatever evidence you would like to see.

You defend the Judge, because Holly thinks she knows everything, and she doesn't. She has not been to one college class, and swallows anything anyone tells her and thinks she is super spiritual woman, praying in tongues and at church all the time, with her own kids writing in thier blogs how God is talking to them all the time. Holly tells you things, bc she says she was there, but she wasn't "there" mentally, because she doesn't even know the rules of law and that it was illegal and improper for a judge to tell me to be pro se without ANY prior notice, knowing I didn't have a copy of any discovery or my case file. I objected, for the record, and he hung up on me. Then, he had a CHANCE to do the right thing and at least let me back into the hearing when I politely called back, realizing he was totally going through with forcing me to be pro se, and he refused. He said the hearing was proceeding without me and they then, the state, got a default win against me which set everything else up in their favor.

And Cassel and the other lawyer were NOT helping me and the Bar even knows this. If they were such good lawyers,they wouldn't have been keeping doctor's notes out of the record and refusing to give me my case file. If they were interested in helping me, why keep my case file from me? which they KNEW I needed?

I can give you whatever evidence you need and if you want a copy of the email where you clearly state you and Dad told me you'd pay for an independent psych eval, I'll forward it to you.

I am asking, because I thought, if you really have any interest in me or my happiness at all, and in trying to re-establish any kind of trust, I thought I would see whether you choose to be supportive or not, and whether you are willing to keep ANY of the promises you made me.

If not, I think it shows very clearly, that the instability has been on your end, as I have email showing what promises you made and then backed out on without any good reason. It shows you don't care about Oliver being with me and that my own family just wants an excuse for things I've written about YOU.

Tell me something, do you like the things I've written, online, about you and the Bairds? and Dad? I mean, how does it make you feel? I would think you might want to tell others I have "issues" or "problems". I mean, if it were ME, and someone was airing all the family dirty laundry, this would be the most self-saving thing to do.

On the other hand, if you are really just so concerned about the truth, and what is real, why WOULDN'T you still agree to pay for an independent evaluation when you know all the lawyers say it's necessary and you agreed yourself and when everyone knows the state paid people will say wahtever the state wants.

It would seem you are on the side of the state, perhaps, and that you HOPE they get something on me.

What are your fears? Are you WORRIED that if I had an independent evaluation, I might come out "fine" and be diagnosed as "normal" afterall, and having to cope with a crazy situation which CAUSED trauma and stress in my life?

Are you afraid of my being diagnosed as perfectly "fine"? What do you think you would do, in that case? How would you feel? What would your defense then be, for what I've written about you and your family in my blog?

I think the real test is whether or not you are willing to pay for an independent evaluation. If you are, it would speak to the fact that you might be interested in an OBJECTIVE evaluation and the truth. If not, it probably speaks to the fact that you just want dirt on me like the state does, because you want an excuse for things I've written about you.

I would also think you would be interested in the fact that evidence was withheld and that I was lied about and that laws were broken by the Judge.

I mean, if I have PROOF, why woudn't you WANT to see it?

Will you and Dad keep your promise about paying for an eval? or no? That's really what I want to know at this point, because I need financial help because my PHYSICAL injuries have prevented me from working.

Please let Dad read this whole email. I'm sure your decision will be a joint decision, so I want to know for sure that you both got the same message from me.



To: cameocares@live.com
Subject: Re: Wondering
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 10:40:16 -0400
From: dicksiedael@aol.com

Hi Cameo,
I didn't want to just ignore you, but at the same time, I hesitate to write since you usually put things on your blog
and tend to misintrepret things and get upset.

I wasn't at your hearings, so don't know what was said, but I do think you are totally "missing the point". This isn't
about whether you have medical injuries... Maybe doctors did contradict your claims...that's very possible and it
happens to others as well...all the time. (Grandpa used to have some problems he wanted diagnosed and they'd just
say "it's in your head" or "wait till spring, you'll feel better then".) But the big picture here is why CPS removed Oliver
and it was way prior to them hearing anything about medical problems or lack thereof. They are/were concerned
about your mental/emotional stability...not necessarily mental "illness", though also not ruling that out. The only way
you will "satisfy" them is to have your mental evaluations. Regardless of what they find or do not find, NO one is wanting
to lock you up or put you away as you've alluded to in the past.

You were ordered to go pro se and you were hung up on in court due to your attitude. You harrassed your appointed
attorneys, you wouldn't quit arguing with the judge, etc. My guess...but it's just a guess. is that if you went back to the
court and told them you are sorry and requested a new court-appt. atty, they would likely g rant that. But if you want to
"keep" anyone, you'll have to treat them with respect.

I have never doubted that you at least "could" have injuries... Didn't know for sure, but never doubted the possibility.
That, however, is really a mostly separate issue that you are letting cloud this whole thing. I do hope you can get your
injuries taken care of and lead a healthy, active life. Love, Mom

-----Original Message-----
From: cam huegenot
To: mom dad
Sent: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 8:39 pm
Subject: Wondering


I was wondering, since I wrote to you just recently, what do you think about the fact that I have evidence now that I had injuries that CPS and the state and Wneatchee doctors and even my public defense attorney, claimed I didn't have.

I wrote you an email, asking what you thought about this. Everyone was saying, and said in the HEARINGS, I didn't have these problems and only wanted "drugs" when I had no injuries and nothing was wrong. They also said I was delusional to think I had any of those physical problems.

So my question to you is, what do you think? You and Holly were believing what the state told20you and you didn't believe me.

I've been through a lot and I broke up with the guy I was going to marry, because he's a liar and just wanted a green card. I am better off without him.

However, I was mainly going to marry him bc my own family didn't believe me and thought I had none of these injuries and that the state was being honest and fair with me when they were NOT.

I have hard evidence these doctors all lied. And the state lied in the hearings to the Judge, and I was refused representation.

I want my son and the state would not even accomodate my physical disablities and mocked me, on the record, as not having any, when I did. I told you and Dad I DID have these injuries.

I am asking you now if you will help me. I need a private attorney and I've talked to many, many, people over here who affirm it is necessary. They have all said, based on the lies of the state already and the violations of law they committed (for which a federal lawsuit could be filed), they said there is NO WAY I should ever consent to a "psych eval" by the state. They say I need an independent one, just liek the lawyer said in the beginning, and that I need representation or I will lose my son and my reputation.

I am only asking, because I have always known I knew what was true, and you chose to believe the state over me. I had very serious injuries and still am having problems, and it is only bc I got pregnant over here and they finally did ER diagnostics, they caught things and it proves I not only know when there is something wrong with my body, it proves those Wenatchee doctors damaged me and that I have to have surgeries and they were trying to cover it up.

Will you and Dad consider helpingn me, based on this new evidence that I have, which proves they lied, and the evidence according to the Washington state bar, that the state violated my rights and the law by not giving me discovery or my case file so it was impossible for me to even defend myself pro se?

You have a lot of things going for you, in the world, but I have only cared about my son and I am asking you, if you will help me.

I was going to marry someone just to get the help I needed, and now I am not willing to do this, and I am asking you once again for your help, and I am able to prove to you that the state is not "my friend" and that it will work against me for me to comply with their "Services" when they were lying and mocking me all along.

Every single person I've talked to says I have to get a private attorney.

I am still willing to agree to any conditions you or Dad wish to make.

It was good I did not go with that one lawyer, becaue he was asking for more money than he originally said, AND, he told me to go pro se, at the very last min ute and everyone has said it was wrong.

As for locklyn or anyone's opinion about Wenatchee people, you shouldn't have listened to them. Paul Cassel was workign against me from the start. He didn't file a doctor's note I had which confirmed and supported the fact I had physical injuries, and the WA state bar has faulted both HIM and the OTHER lawyer, who was working against me, for refusing to give me my case file when it was required of them and I asked them many times, documented by email. THEY are lawyers, and knew I had to have to my case file to defend myself.

They were not helping me and they violated the law. So I'm just asking if you will help me at this point. If you will reconsider, since I have evidence now to prove I was right, and since I'm still willing to agree to whatever conditions you make.

Please let me know soon.



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