Thursday, March 19, 2009

Back Pain: "If I Were a Boy" (might be, on steroids)

No one is arguing "there's nothing there" anymore. It's right there on the films. It was on radiology in Washington too, but the state and doctors CONVENIENTLY KEPT these records out of the evidence.

All that time the state and doctors were trying to tell everyone it was in my head and nothing was wrong with me physically and that I was a drug addict and had no injuries from childbirth.

I think I need a second opinion at this point, because I took the first round of steroid stuff and it does absolutely nothing and I was given a full prescription for Percocet (higher levels), because of the EVIDENCE that "Wow! she might have pain!", but I took that other stuff and woke up in pain, from the pain, this morning again.

So then this ex tells me I should go see my son and that this is probably why I have physical and mental pain or, I don't know what he was trying to say. Right. My physical pain is psychological again. So tired of THAT excuse.

Just when I start to think maybe ex is turning around and changing for the better and is wanting to help me, no strings attached, he brings up propositions again.

Tried to have sex with me this morning and I wouldn't and didn't get close at all and then he's going out "to meet a friend for coffee." Right. To meet his HO because he couldn't get it from me. Why does he need to lie? He tells me other things straight up but thinks lying helps his cause.

I asked him to bring me back a mocha.

I'm not taking anymore of this steroid stuff until I read more about it. I don't know why I'm taking something that affects the entire body, including the brain, orally, instead of getting an injection. My back is killing me and I thought I was getting something to block the nerve or pain stuff. But this is just an oral anti-inflammatory. I don't see how this is supposed to help anything.

I have to say, hands down, everyone was VERY NICE at the clinic. NO complaints. They listened to me and tried to help me and it was a very POSITIVE experience. Hands up to them.

I just know something is still off with my back and think a second opinion would help. The other problem could be because of uterine prolapse which D.C. doctors said I could sue for.

The smartest doctors I've seen, at the worst hospitals, have been the neurologists. They were the ones to correctly identify the prolapse issue at Prince George's hospital, and then the cauda equina syndrome I have from my L5 disc and fracture problem. Not only that, today the ex was massaging my lower back at this juncture and I had a sudden buzzing-tingling in my left foot. It was located only on the inside of my left foot, not the bottom of the foot but to the side and was very pronounced and only happened when he pressed a certain spot.

I asked the spine guy yesterday if MRIs didn't always show the severity of problems since a person was lying down. I asked him if discs and other things move around and bulge at different times, in different positions. He said it was a good question and that was truth to this because when a person is immobile on their back, it's harder to detect protrusions and stability issues.

I would like to receive an honorary degree from NIH for my contributions (just kidding).

These people were not medical assholes at all, but I still want to get a bumper sticker or a sign emblazoned on my car for "Medical Assholes Police" and then put all these handicapped stickers all over my windshield and doors and bumper and hood.

I looked up this steroid stuff. I guess it's fine. I'll finish taking it because maybe it was at least targeting something last night because I felt very sharp burning pain in the middle of my back after taking it. Maybe it went to the right spot. I don't know. I was thinking I might "be a boy" after taking steroids but this is lower doses. I guess it's used for spinal injuries, quite regularly. If taken right after injury, by IV, it can improve sensory and motor recovery if taken within 8 hours of the injury (psychology wiki).

Sort of interesting and convinces me to take it and try it at least. I'm very grateful for the painkillers in the meantime, because they DO help.

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