Friday, March 13, 2009

Calling Cards for Secret Calls--Spy

Oh, some info on my ex. Why does HE need calling cards when he has full service on his Ipod thing? Here I have federal people telling me to use calling cards so numbers can't be traced, and look who is using calling cards when he doesn't even NEED them. Hmmm. I wonder WHY.

I was approached with the idea of using calling cards (marked though, so they were traceable) by federal government people and here my ex is and has been using them when he doesn't have any financial reason to do so.

I have been in the middle of a fucking weird thing. If you want to find a spy, maybe sniff out the one I'm living with. If he's not with the government, he's with the mafia.

I would guess, U.S. government since he wants to be here so bad and people kept turning up to check me out after he was asking me where I was going for the day. He has full, unlimited calling time and minutes, and for long-distance, anywhere in the world. His calling cards are for $2 each. Who needs to make $2 phone calls unless it's just for something quick?

I have no idea what I've been in the middle of. But I was also being checked out for my Spanish literacy levels and how well I could tutor others in English, like, professionally, as an English teacher to Spanish speakers. A whole meeting over that and then I had people wanting me to speak Spanish until they were calling the whole thing off, and then it was like "Just talk in english". Like, faggettaboutit.

He said his ideals and goals and values were to combat socialism. Like he's a revolutionary or something. Said he was concerned about 2 different Latin American countries. And then he's up on all the Mexico border shootings and HE asked me if I wanted to MEET this hostage who was released from Colombia through negotiations.

My fiance told me I could meet THIS man if I wanted to, and he'd take me that day, as he said he was going to work. Like he's a hostage negotiator.

Also, I was taken around to be shown off after my makeover and some people were at the courthouse where we went and they nodded to him--they knew him, a gang of hispanic guys and the I see these other men A. is always nodding to, at the grocery store as he suddenly has to leave me and talk to them or pick something up around the corner. Then there's the occasional car parked across from us, at night, with some guy watching us who A. seems to know.

At first, A. seemed so smart. Then, I didn't want to be a spy and he's suddenly becoming someone who doesn't remember one single thing and acts like a dullard. Then, in one instant, he's smart and funny again. Next day, back to Mr. T.

He said he didn't have his girlfriend who was Colombian and married anymore. But then he'd say he did. Then he didn't. Then he did. He wasn't using calling cards to keep things from ME, because I found a lot of crap on his phone that he didn't want me to find.

Here I am, told to pick my stuff up at "drops". Like I was going to be eating this all up--yay! Make me a spy! pin the fucking tail on the donkey. So anyway, about his off-on imaginary and then very real girlfriend, she was at the fucking engagement party.


I was like, "Where is Diana when I need her?" I played it off the whole time, as they were making eyes at eachother across the table. No one was dancing because he brought his hojta to my engagement party. After telling ME if I wanted to be with someone else, to tell him but be discreet so he's not humiliated. Here, his family knew she was there and everything, and in all the photos, he had me stand right next to him, except when it was time for her to be in group photos. THEN, he grabbed her, and had HER stand next to him, shoving me to her side.

She's the one in the black and white little jacket in the photos he suddenly wants me to take down.

I don't know. I guess I'm feeling a little fucked over when I have someone telling me one thing and then another thing, and I'm having to play along the whole fucking time. I was practically doing HIM a fucking favor. But then I didn't want to be a spy, and he was back to her house all the time, and the whole things was like some sorry show and I was going through it to help my son, just for the financial support to pay for legal things.

It's not worth it. The thing is, I don't think this is just Colombia embassy doings. I think this has to do with the U.S. as well, because U.S. people have been involved.

Look at WHAT I've been through.

Well, I will take those down who are not honest about putting my son first. I said, "My SON is more important than your FUCKING LOVE LIFE!" Like he's doing this all for me, when the whole thing was some weird grooming thing, probably CIA, and testing ground for me to be a spy and then I say no and suddenly I have people trying to frame me for marrying someone for convenience, offering me a lot more money, in a sting, to marry some other guy.

After all THIS, I was the fucking LOYAL one.

Now I'm supposed to take down the photos of what I've been through?! Fuck you. You brought your whore to an engagement party, in front of everyone, and you lose. You lost my respect.

He told me he had ties to the mafia in Colombia. But it seems to me, more than anything, he works for the Colombian embassy and the U.S. government. He's playing one of the parties and if he's telling me I can meet the guy who was held hostage, he's a U.S. and Colombian-officials cooperator.

Meanwhile I'm wondering how many fucking spies sleep on those air mattresses. I have never seen so many make-shift set-up, apartments to hole up in, with air mattresses for beds, in my LIFE.

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