Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chris Dabney & FBI Undercover FUCKER

I have held off on writing this, because I was concerned for his safety and didn't know what was going on. Also, I realized, late, that I had stronger feelings for him than I originally thought.

I knew Chris knew things about me, and I assumed it was through the FBI or Catholic church. I'm still not sure which, but I have finally realized, if the FBI was on MY side, they wouldn't be trying to pull a sting which would put me in jail.

Someone would have come to me and told me something of the investigation and asked for my cooperation. If they were on my side, they would trust me to keep my mouth shut so they could do what they needed to do. But no, instead, they have only tried to put me in jail.

This is the thing. I don't know who Chris Dabney really is. He's more than just "Chris Dabney" and I believe he's either in intelligence, undercover work, or military. Or on leave from it or something. He did know things about me that someone who was a stranger to me shouldn't know.

It occured to me, later, that he was someone I knew from Jr. High. A guy I liked then and knew, whose name was Will Wagler. It started adding up slowly, the expressions, the faces, and the language. The converse. Still wearing the same converse shoes.

What I don't know for sure, is if I've mistaken an identity. Either Chris is Will, as I began to realize or thought was dawning on me, or he's just Chris. If he's someone named Chris, I know less about this situation. If he's Will Wagler, then he's FBI and using a pseudonym and that would explain why he reacted strangely to comments I made.

If he's NOT Will Wagler, then I still think he's connected to some kind of intelligence, because of his reactions and the way he was around me.

If he is, I would say the FBI is working overtime and backwards and forwards to cover this up so they don't get into trouble for knowingly allowing this when they knew I didn't know.

This is the thing, I saw Will Wagler's SISTER at the library, a few days after I started thinking this too. And it was definitely his sister. Why would Will Wagler's sister be at the library where I was, checking me out, if this isn't true?

I knew Will Wagler from Jr. High, for over 3 years. He is not 24, he is my age. He has blond hair and blue eyes and a deep crease in his forehead which appeared and was apparent by his high school graduation photo. He married a woman whom he met in Hawaii.

He is nearsighted and wears contacts and glasses. William Lloyd Wagler. He called me or emailed me when I was first writing in my blog, after I had contacted several different FBI offices. He told me he had changed and was "different" now. Well that would be true, because his father is a pastor and what he's into now is different from the pastoral profession.

I was beginning to discover this, which is why I said something about "cyrano" and knowing his voice in many forms, and then I couldn't believe it and thought I must be going nuts. But I was never going nuts. The same guys who gave me this federal computer had grins on their faces when they realized I was figuring things out.

He was getting drunk and kicking it with people in drug circles from one state to the other. I thought, without thinking it was him, that whoever he was, he was some kind of intelligence, but then I thought it was weird he was telling me to hang around when he saw I had a card from some woman from Israel.

If Will Wagler is Chris Dabney and I am right, and he is FBI, I am fucking SUING the SHIT out of the FBI for knowingly leading me onto this.

I don't care whether or not it's "romantic" I fell for him, I went through HELL, and no one bothered to TELL ME or protect me or keep me safe. It was more of the same old FBI BULLSHIT.

And then I have Pete Garrity trying to pull a STING on me, and then, the next minute, telling me he has a "place in Penn" for me where "Chris" had told me he was moving to, when I was still working with him in D.C. Chris said he was moving gradually to Penn.

Nice. Real nice fuckers. TRY TO FUCKING put me in jail and then set me up in a house in Pennsylvania "no strings attached". Oh, and then insulting me and telling me to just go back to Wenatchee for the state's "services" and "programs".

OH, and here's the FBI works. They get Rinaldi to withhold any information about the fetus, which I was going to have tested for DNA and then all of a sudden, he calls all merrily, on a weekday EVENING, to say, "hey! what do you want to do with the fetus?"

YEAH, because the fucking FBI doesn't want definitive proof of who I was with, who THEY knew I was with, and my freaking out and suing them for damages for emotional distress.

First I get a comment like "Here's another one in the hole" and then the stupid backrub comment, and then all these other comments which indicated this person had information about me.

The FBI has harmed me, over, and over, and over. They fucked with me in Oregon and WAshington and then fucked with me over in D.C. and thought this was great fun while I was ALONE and barely hanging on.

But everything was just FINE with the fucking Bureau.

Like they were trying to "help" me when they're trying to pull a sting on me and put me in jail. When they're obstructing justice and concealing crime against a victim. When they're withhholding information about their guys who had no business being with ME in the first place.

I would NOT have been with him if I'd known. He had an advantage of me, and over me, the entire time. He knew things about me and my vulnerabilities, and used this when he knew I didn't know anything about him.

He thought I'd guessed or had almost guessed, more than once. Left me in the fucking hospital alone, and more than one person knows what an asshole he was to me at different times.

All of this is going to the OIG in my complaint.

I don't want to be any part of this country or your fucked up lack of protocols. And here you are telling ME to go back to crazy Wenatchee, when I'M not the one who is CRAZY and I just so happen to be dealing with a CRAZY FUCKED UP AGENCY.

All the FBI wanted to do was protect themselves, their interests, and any kind of liability that could be attached.

This basically makes me want to sue the shit out of these people, take my money for emotional distress and damages, and get the hell out of this country. I was played by the FBI. More than once. And this is supposed to be really funny. Everyone was just fine with this whole thing, except me. No one thought it would even matter to me or that I had a right to KNOW.

And that fucked up respiratory therapist who came into the cafe? I didn't just "guess" she was from Washington state. I saw the way "Cindy" was looking at me, smirking in a condescending way, and I thought, hmm, probably someone from Washington state because who else might know me and act like this torwards me? So I guessed Washington state because I seem to have problems with people there and I was right. I wasn't fucking psychic.

My father and family are going to be PISSED when they find out. They never knew why
I liked "Will Wagler" in the first place, back in Jr. High.


The FBI, all this time, has done NOTHING to get my son back.

And I'm SICK OF DATING FUCKING FBI AGENTS and SPIES or whatever. I am going to seriously RUIN the next one who even dares to come near me. Here I've dated FBI contractors for psychiatric services and who knows if they were even dating me for personal reasons, or to just get the scoop on me for the FBI.

Shep, and I can't even remember his fucking last name, but I'm looking it up. And I'm posting it online. Because I dated THAT fucker and HE knew there was nothing mentally wrong with me, and he evaluates people FOR the FBI and I told him about my situation and not ONE person was willing to help ME with getting my son back.

No one was helping me with my son. Everyone was just trying to get into my pants. And all these people had connections to the FBI or other agencies and COULD have done something to help.

I'm suing the FBI. I'm not just suing the FBI. I am suing fucking William LLoyd Wagler.

I doubted myself because I thought just maybe I confused someone else's identity and that maybe he was someone else with some kind of English connection because I wondered what the deal was with the number 13 as bad luck deal and some other things, like how someone could access lastfm. But it's not a UK company anymore. It's owned by Time Warner or whatever--an American company.

And here someone was trying to fucking put me in JAIL.

I want anything to do with any man at all anymore.

Not after this. I want compensation from the FBI, I want my son back, and I want all of you to fucking leave me alone.

You can play your games on your own and leave me out of this.

Steve Blum--Superior Communications, INC. Federal Communications Systems Integrator
Eagle Alliance: Technology & Service Delivery Partner

That's the guy who knew about "Chris" and other things, and who asked me about being a spy and who gave me this fucking monitored laptop.

Shep _________. I will have to write out his last name. He has his PhD in psychiatry and just so happened to meet me when I was looking for a fucking sugar daddy online, months ago, to try to find help for my son's legal costs and getting him back. I talked to him online a lot and then in person, on dates. And he contracts with the FBI and told ME there was nothing wrong with me.

How interesting all these U.S. government people KNOW there is nothing wrong with me, but they tell ME to jump through hoops to get my son when he should have NEVER been taken from me to begin with. All they want is someone to stsamp me with a mental illness so they can then discredit me about EVERY complaint I've ever made.

I don't want to be married to the Colombian,
I don't want to date any one.

I want PAY BACK.


I am supeaoning your asses off and I'm going to the Iranian embassy or Pakistani embassy tomorrow. I don't want a part of your funny shit. You do all of THIS to ME and leave my son hanging dry.

I want to know now, what country thinks I'm not someone who needs political asylum. I want to know what rational country thinks the U.S. is an ethical and liberated country. I want to know what country thinks I have not been harassed and then PLAYED by my own country. This has nothing to do with money at this point. It has
to do with integrity, and I find this country and it's various agencies LACKING.

I think to myself that I'm in love, and then I realize how I've been totally played. Played for the purposes of the U.S. to save their own faces. Played for their own interests and own amusement. Not once caring to spare me from more of the shit. All I had to do was think about how once again I had people in this country trying to set me up and frame me and put me in fucking jail.

Meanwhile, here I've had people thinking I'm going totally whacko, and I was halfway wondering myself, if I was losing my mind.

I looked at "Chris" one day, at the bar, and he was talking about his mom and I said, "Huh. Yeah. I would have pictured your mother as a tall blond" and he froze. Froze and stared at me like he'd been caught. Why was he acting like he'd been "discovered"? and then looking at me after he'd shaved, like I would notice something and I didn't know why he was acting weird. Always staring at me. Every single time he stared, I knew and would turn and look. He knew the entire time.

I'm finishing my OIG complaint tonight and then my motion for my son.

I'm sick of this shit. The U.S. has always known there was nothing wrong with me and I've been interviewed and introduced to a ton of people who were only sizing me up and assessing me. Meanwhile, doing NOTHING to help me with getting my son back.

His sister's name is Wendy. He lived in Moses Lake, Washington. When he called or emailed me, while I was writing to FBI offices, it was from Chicago or some other state. Then he didn't respond. He lived on "The Base" in a house next to Anitra's house. Made out with Anitra. I guess that was before he went into the FBI and became a fucking swinger and slept with, allegedly, "thousands of women". Thanks for the notice.

Will's SISTER and fucking respiratory therapist (my guess she was called out after someone figured out he was almost dying in his sleep from fucking apnea) came out here to have a look at me.

Yeah, and I was right about him speaking in another language in his sleep. I thought it was Russian or German. I am pretty sure he took German. And I was right about his ethnicity. He is German. And his mother is a tall blond. His father is not a fucking drug addict who died in therapy. He's a fucking Protestant PASTOR. I guess Will got recruited into the FBI through the family Masonry ties. Good at keeping secrets I guess. I guess it helps to have some fucking historical membership to some secret club.

I'm going back home to finish my OIG complaint.

This is my life.

THis is MY fucking messed up, fucked up life. Thanks God. That's what I really wanted. This was the best, ever.

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