Friday, March 27, 2009

Dabney & Nikki "Butterflies" & Military

I have thought about it and he's had enough time to take cover if his life were in danger from my exposure. It is clear to me, now, after having talked to this woman from Germany today, that Chris is in on the shit with the U.S. against me.

I just cannot get past "Here's another one in the hole." The last boyfriends I'd had were military or FBI. I was always finding out, later, that some guy was a government worker, or Catholic, for the weird church group or something. Chris has to be Catholic and part of that group. He didn't even know me well enough to be saying things like "here's another one in the hole" and then he was telling me I'd get my "Pants" and that he was going to be my sugardaddy, when I was just saying, hey throw me my pants. It was one weird comment after the other and yet from the start he always said, "me and Nikki" and referred to him and her as a team, but never as "swingers" or parnters "in crime" as swingers.

And then, you know what, I got FIRED from my job which was the only job I had and here he's saying he was my "saving grace" and he had Cathy, a bartender, get on the phone with HIM and Cathy was the one to call CHRIS and ask him what HE wanted to do with me. He told Cathy to ask NIKKI and let NIKKI decide.

It is even possible that Chris has some kind of ownership in the Post Pub, because some guys came in and kept wanting to comment on the kitchen and how good the food was and they were crediting CHRIS and CHRIS was the one trying new recipes back there. Also, the flowers came in from Chris. For all I know, the main owner was even his father. That would be a stretch, but how do I know?

I do know that Chris was making threats at the end, and rubbing it in about how at least he was going to keep HIS job, and too bad about me. He went back into the kitchen and was trying to get some of the cooks to say shit about me at the end too.

All along, I was pregnant with his kid, and he KNEW THIS and was still hoping to hide it from Nikki. She didn't know, and he didn't want HER to find out and have ME working with her.

So he fucking FIRED me, which is illegal. As a result of being fired, I had no place to go, and couldn't pay my rent and even had more physical problems with the baby situation because I was walking all over the place.

When I was in the hospital, and called him, he never called or tried to call. He and Nikki were reading my blog and they never called once.

I'm sure they toasted to the occasion instead. Then, I get this woman coming into the cafe today and I'm having a nice chat with her and she's got all this info and knowledge, and suddenly she's telling me how her husband is in the military. She is from Germany and travels a lot but her husband is military. The link between this and Chris and Nikki, is that I had told Chris and Nikki, Nikki specifically, how the former military guy in Wenatchee had told me to write about "butterflies and flowers" and things, because I was monitored, and to keep myself out of trouble. All of a sudden, Nikki decided to wear a tank top with butterflies all over it and made some cracks to Chris about it.

When I was given this U.S. Department of Defense computer, the guy said he would make my icon be the "butterfly", and then today, this woman from Germany leaves, telling me to write about, or to only look up "butterflies and flowers" which is a peculiar thing for her to say so many times, to me. Her husband is U.S. military she said and she said she got to know the other military wives.

I have always wondered what kind of military Chris was in, because he was always hooking up with JAG women and military broads, and Nikki had told everyone how she used to live in Dubai with her father, who was in the military for many years. This woman who was talking to me from "Germany" sounded like Nikki practically. Even the part about, well, that's another story.

But Chris had this hunter-stalker thing and was always checking his back and the mirrors, to see who was looking at him or if I would catch him and I always did. I always knew when he was looking at me, even behind my back. He followed me around sometimes, and I could tell. Then, he was so quick with his fingers, I figured he's either doing computer stuff for the government or he's doing sniper work.

Then he's undercover the whole time, and he got some award one night, for something, which was the same night he had a ring from the baseball hat, and everyone was nodding to him, and my guess is that he killed someone big.

Not only that, when my friend, who drove a truck, dropped me off, they saluted eachother like they KNEW eachother, and my friend who drove the truck was military.

I would say it was pretty stupid to say anything about "butterflies and flowers" to me. Because I know exactly where that was coming from and it wasn't coming from some national German.

I saw Chris saluting before too, and it was a professional salute, and the first guy I ever went out with, from the Pub, was some high ranking military guy who warned me saying he'd been watching Chris and Nikki for over a week and there was "something going on". It was only after I'd BEEN with Chris, that Nikki suddenly showed me her spider tatoo. The fucking black spider tatoo on her leg which corresponds to his spiderwebs. So I said why didn't she show me before and she said she didn't want to "intimidate" me and that some of Chris' girlfriends hadn't "liked" this, in the past.

It was like she was purposefully HIDING this, and the nature of their relationship, until she and/or he had had their fun and screwed with me, and then she was laying down her territory again. Now, they are living together as they must feel it's useless NOT to, since I've outed the both of them.

It's basically outright fraud, what they were doing, and who knows what else. The other thing is, Chris absolutely had information on ME he wouldn't have had unless he was part of a group that was trying to mess around with me and screw me. He also withheld my mail from me when I told him I needed it back to meet a deadline for filing something. He refused to give it to me. He WANTED me to miss the fucking deadlines for the CPS state case.

He was going to Chicago, after traveling in Florida, and some other areas. I think he is most likely military and FBI but I don't know where he met Nikki.

I also don't buy his story about his Dad dying in rehab anymore, not after the things I've already discovered.

He had some kind of interest in Israel or Jewish things too. I don't know if he was a converted jew or what, but he was interested in letting me hang around AFTER he saw some business card I had from a Jewish woman who was from Israel.

The whole thing is strange. Today, besides, someone who looked like Nikki drove by but I am sure I'm wrong. I do NOT think she would take the time to drive by if she knew where I was...then again...I had this woman from Germany come in and make a very strong point of how I should look up only "butterflies and flowers" on this computer.

No one, not even drunk, says "here's another one in the hole" unless it's a derogatory and conquest type of comment. In the context in which it was said it was pretty much like, he was saying he was another "one of the guys" fucking me. Like he knew I'd been with someone else HE knew who was part of some group. And then he followed this up with other odd comments.

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