Tuesday, March 24, 2009

For Gina: U.S./Canadian Spooks, Swingers, and Assholes

I am dedicating this post to Gina (and the Jews...and you guys know what I mean. I mean, take cover from the Chris Dabneys with odd affections. Who knows though, maybe Chris is Jewish and so is his lover Nikki, who mentioned how everyone in her house so-happened to be Jewish. ?! who cares, right?). I have never had anything against her and she has always been civil to me. We had something in common: Chris Dabney.

For some reason, tonight my federally gifted laptop isn't working, right after I went in, for the first time, to my old workplace, to check Chris Dabney out.

I made some discoveries which were important and necessary. I am not mad at all, well, no, not mad. Maybe a little, but I'm probably sad and disgusted more than anything, and enlightened.

I went into D.C. today thinking I would check out a few embassies and speak with some people. Instead, I decided to go to my old workplace to confront the truth of my past: was Chris Dabney Will Wagler? Did I still have feelings for Chris? Did he, for me? Was he FBI or not?

I made the following discoveries:

1. Chris Dabney, whoever he is, is NOT Will Wagler. Will Wagler was most likely the poor guy who came into the cafe the other day, saying nothing but looking over at me. Will Wagler was most likely the good looking guy who I thought was Will. So I defamed Will Wagler and owe him an apology, although he probably understands, or would understand, given this situation. I do know that I saw his sister in the library, so for some reason, she is in Maryland, of all things. It was mistaken identity. Chris Dabney and Will Wagler are two separate individuals.

2. Which means, Chris Dabney had information about me he could not have had unless he WAS and IS FBI or part of the crazy Catholic circle I was mixed up in, in Oregon. I am about 99% positive Chris Dabney is a spook. I am also quite certain he works for the U.S. but who knows who else.

3. Chris Dabney has no feelings for me. He lusts after me, which was obvious, but that left when his handler or someone's handler left after speaking with me. The guy's name I don't know, but he asked me what I'd like to do if I could do "anything" and told me I'd never seen him before when I know for a fact, he knows Chris, and I saw them eyeing eachother, and when I know for a FACT I saw him at the Post Pub. This guy was bald with blue eyes and said he was a salesman who worked in Phoenix, Arizona. Which may be interesting for the following reasons:

a. Alvaro was telling me he might have work in Phoenix, Arizona, and Alvaro and Chris Dabney and Henry are all connected to eachother.

Chris told me long ago that he had friends from Colombia and his favorite drink was this anise flavored drink, which he named properly. He knew these people from Miami. Henry is from Miami and is the one who found out where I was working and introduced Alvaro to me. Chris frequented "Archibalds" which is a strip club around the corner and Henry frequents strip clubs--Henry got work at a construction company which is across the street from Archibalds and got Alvaro a job there when Alvaro was new to town.

When I called Alvaro a few minutes ago, he expressed concern about me driving and asked when I was going to be back. I had told Chris, before leaving, after having one shot of whiskey (no more), that I needed to "sober up" before driving. Then I dumped my second shot into a to-go cup and took it with me. Who knows, maybe they thought I was drinking in my car, crying or something. Fuck that. I just took it to go because when I DO get to the house, I'm going to finish it off. Right now I'm in a hotel, using THEIR computer, because my federally gifted laptop is about as fickle as Chris Dabney.

4. Gina. Chris' former girlfriend is now working as an assistant for National Geographic, which is interesting because that's where Chris was trying to get ME a job, because he has connections there. For whatever reason, Chris wanted to tell me his relations with Gina were 'strained', and yet she is no longer working at The Beacon as a bartender but for N.G. No big deal, because this post is for you, Gina, if it matters, but I'm just connecting a few dots here for the general public, so they know who the hell to stay away from and how wonderful the United States of America is.

5. There is a Toronto, Canada connection. If Chris is not JUST working for the U.S., he is also working for Canada. The bald guy sitting next to me works for a company out of Toronto, and I met a lot of people from Canada in connection with Chris Dabney. Which is interesting, because Alvaro was telling me a "friend" of his told him about his options to immigrate to Canada as a professional.

6. When I was at a restaurant with Henry and Alvaro, Henry went to the back where the jukebox was, and the theme song for the Post Pub, which anyone would know I knew, began to play. Along with the same Bryan Adams song that was playing at the pool table place when the English songs came on.

7. Someone named "Bryan Harr" called me, supposedly from a boat in California, and this was the interoggatory I mentioned earlier. He said he got my number at random, and he's the one who told me to go to a synogogue for "help" after saying his friend "Ken" probably couldn't help me, and after just trying to get a lot of info from me. In the conversation, Bryan's voice cut out, and another voice came through and it was Chris Dabney's voice. It was like Bryan was either repeating what Chris was saying, or Chris' voice was masked by some kind of digital program. The cadence was the same, and I recognized Chris. And the voice broke, in a kind of sadness, for a split second, when a river was mentioned. I thought maybe it was because Chris Dabney cared about his unborn son that died, whom I'd named "James River". Chris is definitely connected to the U.S. government as a spook and, as a spook, his career is over, because I've outed him and will explain the rest of what I know and why I think this. However, although he sounded sad about at least something to do with a "river", the whole time, the phone call was one massive interrogation about my interactions with the Catholic church, the FBI, and my family, and he tried to put a spin onto my family as being suspect, and totally excused everything the FBI had done. He was saying pick and choose your battles and made a big deal about Wenatchee improperly arresting me but was trying to excuse everything else and said I could "turn the tide". Whatever. Turn the tide my ass. This guy totally used me and was an asshole and then tries to cover his shit so he's good with the FBI. The guy Bryan Harr, said he had been put in a hospital against his will, for contacting some girl he'd been dating and the place just wanted to ream them because his father had "1 million Blue Cross"--he told me about the technology he used and how it was like my situation and he'd put protest signs in the lawn and made spam calls about the guy, and how he made his own legal case against them. He said "so we DID help you" when I brought up a rape complaint I took to police and made it clear HE was with "WE" and the "WE" was the U.S. government. I guess, the same U.S. government that keeps trying to do stings on me to put me in jail, and then calls me to ask a ton of questions and which makes promises to help me but offers ZERO REAL and practical assistance, like financial assistance, instead telilng me to take up "state services and programs" and to go to a shelter. Which is the same thing Alvaro was bringing up, in his fucking SLEEP, the other night. He said, when he was asleep, talking in his sleep, "what's the name of the shelter?" to ME. HE is not going to any shelter. But if he can't get me to marry him in some kind of sting or set me up or something, who knows, he's getting names of shelters to take me to?!

8. Bryan Harr, aka Chris, told me, over the phone, that he was "Methodist." Chris Dabney told me, in person, he was "Catholic" and baptized Catholic. I guess I can't confirm any of it through birth certificate. But if he said baptized Catholic there's probably a record of it. Nikki is Methodist and told me her father was a Methodist pastor.

9. All the same people were still working at The Post Pub. It was good to see them, and I went in, in peace, and just wanting to look at Chris Dabney's face again and check a few things out.

10. Chris Dabney called in one of his Catholic friends, again, to set me up to be fucked. True to form. THIS guy was from Texas. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and left. Why would I kiss some guy on the cheek who was obviously there bc Chris asked him to show up? I don't know, maybe because everything in my life has turned into one gigantic masquerade and lie and I'm having to play the same fucking game to figure out who the assholes are. They're FBI and who knows, maybe something else too.

11. Chris told me he hadn't been with anyone for 2 months (oh, forgetting to mention fucking Nikki as usual) except for 2 weeks ago, once. Which is a record for HIM, everyone knows. And he told me he and Nikki are trying to be sober. And, he told me he'd been hanging out with Maria, which I already knew intuitively. He, like every other guy, has been all over Maria before and after her split with her boyfriend. Maria is the Russian chick who should get the hell out of this town because she's become a boytoy to screw, with her name attached, just like me. Her name gets passed around like a trophy.

12. Haha. Serious older man, in glasses and in suit, stands outside the hotel staring at me, talking on the phone, a few minutes ago. DAMAGE CONTROL...what do we do now? Fuck yourselves, because your "spy" shit is over assholes.

13. So, in the last couple of months, besides noticing how Chris would call his buddies to come over and try to proposition me, with Alvaro even, being with him, I've been propositioned and then the guy ends up saying all this stuff that sounds like Chris, and makes promises about helping me with getting my son back and legal stuff and then ditches. Like the "Bryan Davis" (haven't looked him up or googled him and I don't care if I ever do. He's the one who kept saying "penny for your thoughts" and "brilliant" and "you're a great girl" and talked like he was from England, but without an accent). I went on a date with, a couple of weeks ago, who approached me when I was at Panera, and who took me to a Mexican restaurant.

14. Chris said he was supposed to go back to Chicago but didn't. That's probably where his field office is because he was talking about going back there before I got pregnant. Then when I was pregnant, he said he was making trips back and forth between here and Pennsylvania. All of a sudden, I was then in a middle of a sting, with Pete Garrity telling me there was a house in Pennsylvania and a "doctor" for me to stay with. Someone from the FBI, through reading my blog or knowing Chris, would know that I remembered Chris said he was eventually moving to Penn.

15. Bryan Harr, from the boat in California, supposedly, who was Chris Dabney in back-up, told me he was a doctor. And that he had experience with legal things. The voice coming through when the stupid masking machine didn't work, was Chris Dabney's voice. It was either Chris, and his buddy was repeating what he said, or it was a masking machine. He told me his father was in technology so if government as well, it wouldn't be hard to do this.

16. All day today, and in the last couple of weeks, I've been followed or observed by people with Pennsylvania license plates. All day TODAY in particular, and I didn't just pick out the fucking "Penn" plates. I noticed people staring at me and then I'd look at the plates and a LOT of them were Penn. And these people are STARING at me and smiling. Not in a weird way, but what the hell is going on.

Chris is supposedly going between Penn, and then Pete Garrity is saying a doctor likes me and then that there's a "house" for me, no strings attached, in Penn., and then Penn. plates all over the place. Not to mention the guy who pulled over at the gas station the other day, when it was just me and Alvaro, who pulled up next to us when no one else was there or around, and who got out of the car and just STARED at me. It was a red BMW and the guy was handsome, and stood there and stared.

17. "Turn the Tide". I wrote an image about turning the tide, a poem or whatever the hell my stuff is about, and I suddenly get song after song from Lastfm, about turning the tide or with mention of this in the song, and then "Bryan Harr"/Chris is talking to me on the phone and telling me to "turn the tide" one bit at a time. He said he was calling me because there was someone who REALLY "liked" me.

--SIDE NOTE--for all the "help" I've received from all these men, who are fucking government employees, a lot of it is interrogatories, set ups and disclaimers (no strings attached) and shady 'turn the tide' propositions with JAIL TIME attached and/or no money for really helping the situation with my son.

18. Chris Dabney tried to set me up with one guy after the other, not telling ME, but inviting the guys over, after I'd had at least ONE drink, and they were, almost every single one of them, Catholic. There was ONE Jewish guy. Every single one of them just wanted to get into my pants. Every single one of them knew I'd had at least one drink. Not ONE wanted to help me with getting my son back, "no strings attached". I cannot name ONE man who offered help "no strings attached" except for this one married man who helped me with a couple of nights in a hotel, after I was assaulted by the Nigerian woman. That guy was the only one who gave me a place to stay without HIM being part of the package, and he was federal government. However, he DID have a crush on me and was married. But, he didn't try anything and offered sincere help.

19. I have been in the middle of multiple attempts, by the U.S. government, to put me in jail for "marriage fraud" to a foreigner. And it's really sad, because they have been setting this up for some time. One was Pete Garrity, who was trying to say there was a place for me in Penn. The other I can't even discuss right now, because it's not safe to for now. All of them, with likely connections to the same fucking agency that Chris Dabney works for.

20. Chris said his cell phone quit working 2 months ago and that he hadn't replaced it. Right. Out of all the things he could say to me, or chose to say to me, he tells me his Blackberry isn't working anymore. Which is a nice excuse for not calling me when I found out my baby was dead, in the hospital. Makes him sound more humane, somehow, doesn't it? Which is also a good excuse for not calling me when I was miscarrying and crying and asked him to call me. His Blackberry simply isn't "working" anymore Sherlock, but for some reason, it's still accepting all telephone calls and phone messages. He says he hasn't used a Blackberry in months, not even for looking up things on the internet. Who knows, maybe someone from the FBI is covering stuff up and this is a good excuse, or maybe someone from the FBI is fucking investigating him for his involvement with me and he isn't ABLE to use his cell phone because his agency told him to hand it over while they check some stuff. Because "Here's another one in the hole" sounds a little odd. Anyone can still call and leave a message though.

21. I asked him, when I was about to leave, after bald guy left, if I could ask him a question. Chris looked awkward. It was very clear he didn't want me to ask any questions. I asked him if he'd sleep with me that night and he said, "at your boyfriends house?" and then said he couldn't because he was "inbetween places" and living with Nikki. Nikki is Spiderwoman. So for all his flirtacion, and all the propositions I've been getting the last several weeks and months, he acts like he's not interested, after I get set up after set up to be with him. So I WONDERED what his response would be. And then here he's calling his buddy up, after he says he "can't" and this other Catholic guy shows up about 20 minutes later, and it's clear he knows Chris and he's trying to pick me up. That's when I left, with not even a backwards glace at Chris. The guy is a liar and an asshole, never cared at all about me or my babies or my condition; wanted me fired from the Post Pub and told me how it was good HE still had a job; and he knew a lot of information about me he couldn't have known if he wasn't FBI or involved with the Catholic church. On top of this, Christa Schneider, who was the leak and pretended to be my best friend for years while I was engaged in the Catholic church/abuse of police/abuse of FBI situation, suddenly calls me out of the blue after I wrote about him and what was happening.

22. Meanwhile, I have this laptop from the federal government, by a guy who does contract work for the federal government, and for the Department of Defense, and they know which station I use for music and I'm getting all these songs which are so...fitting...and which are obviously played with me in mind, at different times and I'm not making that up. Sometimes, I am having music streamed onto my computer that is different from the song that the station SAYS is playing, other times it's a song that's not even in the genre the station I've chosen is supposed to cover, and other times. Sort of manipulative. Then all of a sudden, I get these angry songs, in the middle of nowhere, and one about "I'm Making Love to Nikki", and I kid you not. I am NOT paranoid, and this is happening.

23. The other thing that was happening was I went to a chatroom for the first time in a very long time, and three people just popped up out of nowhere, who hadn't signed on in the regular way and when I asked what the symbols were for, which indicated they had not signed in like everyone else but were there anyway, I was told they were "people with power". One of the guys sounded exactly like Chris and he used expressions Chris used and no one else I knew used and these "people with power" said they were nicknaming me "lucy" for "lucy in the sky with diamonds". They told me to press a button which was NOT on part of how to register nicknames on the chatroom and suddenly my new nickname appeared. This is not a hallucination nor is the music thing, because I was sitting in the coffee place and I pointed it out to someone else who was sitting by me and they saw everything. The lucy thing, and chatroom thing, no, but the other thing, with the music, yes. Other people know, just like when this other woman was sitting next to me at a state computer at a bus station, a worksource computer, and she saw the arrow moving all over the place and how I didn't have command of the computer. The same woman whose email info I put online, and I also put the name of the supervisor online, who said I could use her name, who saw everything and said the only way what was happening was possible, was through a computer tech at the Washington state offices.

24. Chris Dabney was trying to get some guy a job from Israel who was an immigrant. Who knows. Maybe he's the underground railroad or, if it doesn't work out, the sting operation, for immigrants.

So, what is going to happen to me next? I will certaintly let you know. Because obviously, everything STINKS to high heaven.

25. Just had a police officer come in and then walk by, staring at me, with great interest. I wonder WHY. Oh, I forgot, because I forgot to mention Chris Dabney is an undercover fucking COP and everyone knew except ME until too late. Pete Garrity and everyone else knew. Cop just stared at me again, in blue uniform and walked away. They fucking know my name, know who I am, figured out where I was right at THIS moment and have been trying to fucking arrest me under various attempts to set up a sting and screw me. Nice. I'm not saying that about all the cops either, because some of them are halfway normal. I think I have SOME friends who are cops who probably feel for me and know what's going on. I should have followed that cop out, to make a note of his license plate.

26. Van with Penn. plates --- 1339 with older guy staring at me just drove off, with another companion. Cop is still here and is from VA but seems normal--plates 142 939L. Another car with Penn. plates pulled up to hotel. Three women checked in, with one staring at me and cracking up, the other looking at me with concern. I am not kidding--one woman holding a clipboard. I don't know what organization but it was a group of three. Then, I noted another car pulling up and it's one woman by herself, with Penn. plates. All of a sudden, at least four cars with Penn plates have people checking into this hotel. I'm not even staying at this hotel but maybe someone thinks I am.

I just stopped by to use the fucking bathroom and use the computer because MY computer won't work.

I'd like to know what the hell is going on. I think I deserve to know, and that someone should be telling me what the deal is with Pennsylvania. I've got Pete Garrity telling me he has a "doctor" who wants to pay me to be with him (to marry), and then Pete is telling me there's a place in "Pennsylvania" no strings attached and the next thing I know, I have people from Penn all over my ass. Then I've got Bryan Harr telling me he's a "doctor" and he's fucking interrogating me and asking me a million questions like it's a legal thing or some kind of a psych eval, and I'm wondering if someone has just been trying to fucking find a way to lock me up. And Bryan Harr is saying to me, he's going to help me, and asking if I've had an evals or CT or MRIs done of my brain, and he's asking about epilepsy, and when this started or ended and he's cutting me off on my answers, and he's also telling me HE once had a similiar "issue" and maybe there was something, a "splinter", that wasn't a big mental issue, but something smaller and wasn't I open to getting some help.

blah blah blah blah. I wonder if this is the same "doctor" who visited me in Canada, pretending not be writing things into a notebook, and yet asking me to tell him my story and if I believed in "aliens" or not. The fucking answer was no.

I am surrounded by fuckers and idiots. At least ONE guy, from IRAN, was trying to do something normal for me. I'm going to get to know the Iranians and Pakistani people, like I said, because just MAYBE I will find someone who will actually help me with FINANCIAL assitance that I need in order to sue the people I need to sue, for violations they committed, and for getting an independent evaluation from people who are not saying, while justifying sexual abuse by the FBI, "see! So we DID help you..." sure. Just as you're trying to "help" me along into the psych ward so you can keep justifying sexual abuse and obstruction of justice by the FBI and other state workers and police.

Thanks, but no thanks, for your "help."

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