Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Google & Blogger Revolution: Impact on Free Speech

I just want to say, I am a fan of the people of Google. Not only did they create this wondeful search, they bought Blogger and kept it going and are not discriminatory in what they publish. They are advocates and proponents for free speech and I have noticed this.

They also, I think through the female partner of one of the main inventors, have an interesting DNA and human genonome or ancestry side biz that examines DNA in a medical and genealogical sort of way, and I like where they put some of their money and their interests.

I had very severe problems with some blogging services and with some internet providers in being able to write freely but not with this group. They've made huge contributions to the support of free speech.

Blogging is exciting, and the exchange of information on the internet, because this is the first time since the invention of the printing press and offering of Bibles and literature to the common people, that anyone has an opportunity to contribute to the writing of history.

It is not just in the hands of the most powerful. The catch is making sure the poor and others have equal opportunities for education so they are ABLE to make their contributions and tell their stories of injustice and fill in where journalists might not have the freedom or time to pick something up, as a story.

I would like to meet people in Wenatchee or Washington, when I'm back, with evidence and stories to share, about abuses by the state or government workers, and I would write their stories so they have exposure. A lot of these people are unseen, unheard. I mean, same thing with people who get the shaft by the justice system because of shoddy public defenders and corruption.

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