Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's & Horses!

I wore green today and didn't even think about it and I was listening to Irish music last night and then today (and some other things..."the corrs" radio). I like this mix. It plays Callie Coilbait too!

I want to have a good drink tonight. I want to be in an Irish pub, Protestant or Catholic or mixing both, and drinking something green.

I have been thinking about Ireland and I do hope things get better and don't disintegrate again. Something must be going on over there but I wish I knew what.

I met the most beautiful woman today, whom I'd noticed before. The cool blond type but very warm and sort of a kindred spirit I think. Not saying anything more but it's nice to meet other women...you know, cool women.

I hope to build my female friendships because I do have some beautiful friends but we've known eachother since we were 15 and live over in different states. I am so proud of the friends I have though. Very loyal. I mean, their loyalty, in spite of distance and not always keeping in touch but being able to take off wherever we're at, really inspires ME to be a better person. But yeah, my best friends are starving artist and beat nik types.

I love "What I Am" by Emma Bunton.

Oh how pretty! Celtic Woman's "Over the Rainbow". Maybe the best version...I think! Perfect for today.

I didn't realize, I live near horse country! I may be able to go to a horse show or equestrian event in a little bit, if I can get back to see my son and then return here for other things. Or get an extension for things there. I guess there are a lot of dressage riders here and there's even fox hunting in Maryland! I had no idea. I knew it was there in N.J. because I saw them coming out of the woods like a dream. A Midsummer Night's Dream and one woman was even riding side saddle. I hope they don't really kill the foxes though. I mean...Fox & the Hound. You know, sad. But equestrian events are interesting. I don't know how to ride dressage but I've always had friends who did, and my mother does. I understand how attached some can be to their horses or their riding. I like the smell of horses. And hay and alfalfa, actually.

I got some good info on how to save some things on the computer too. Really good advice. AND the name of a world renowned specialist for the spine!!! Which is important considering my neck situation if anything. I guess he does amazing work and tries everything before surgery first.

I like this Clannad "Ri Na Cruinne" as well. I found the Irish singer who I saw in concert in Portland, I believe it was Moire Brennan. I was thinking the sister to Sinead but I think it was Enya's sister. I like "24 Hours" by Andrea Corr. Good lyrics. I also like Summer Sunshine. on Killers radio. "When You Were Young" spectactular and I haven't rocked to anything like Arctic Monkey's "Dancing Shoes" for a long time. this is as shockingly good as when EMF's "Unbelievable" hit me...WHOOOaaa, unbelievable! Can sing to Snow Patrol's "open your eyes", The Strokes "What Ever happened" and yay! I like this! the lyrics are so pretty "paper jeans" The Kooks "She Moves In Her Way". i like this sooo much. Very nice voice and lyrics.

I got a good tip today, for a station to listen to that's not distracting. I cannot finish a thought when I hear music with words and have to comment and stop and listen! But she was so right, jazz is one to listen to. It's absolutely right. I used to listen to classical, but classical can be so distracting! especially when it's dramatic and in minor keys. Jazz or some kind of sort of white noise (in a good way). Very good reminder. When I'm working on things and must get something done, I should not listen to music with lyrics. I get sidetracked. But since we're not going out for Patty's Day :(, I'll listen to a little music. I like Franz Ferd's "Jacqueline" but especially for his softer voice. He sounds like anyone when he's singing loud, but what a gorgeous soft voice.

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