Saturday, March 21, 2009

images & vibe

wicker crib rocking
beneath the sticker stars
silver and gold tin with the funny taste
pasting a bird in the bath
baby blue clouds painted by hand
french manicure and windowsill
mixing the paint white and powder baby blue
in the can, and on the plate,
bright red uneven stakes
across the sky, missile shooting
straight out across diamond on fire
piercing the heart of
those who are too young to wear rings
sprinkling down on impact firework tail
summersaulting in a straight line
men rocking like children
hand on the cradle

misericordia, historia de green eyes
two car collision crumpled glass
a plank to take out of thine eye
thorn in my sole not in my side
lina, a lina for dragging the shoe
stepped into a pile on my way out the door
i remember getting ready for a date
late, and walking out of the store in new
clothing, too late to change
at home, and the sky droned down upon me
the bird of paradise pooped on my hair
didn't have time to shower but washed it in the sink
thinking now, why the only dung with
a decent scent comes from horses
don't even remember who i was meeting that night
just remember the bird poop
that upstaged anything witty he said

steroids and celibacy
do not mix
trix are for kids
take with one glass of water
alone, do not take on empty stomach
do not take on crowded bed
roll over soldier and play dead

(i am totally uninspired today i think. made some calls. getting ready now to get out and maybe meet some people)
about 12:15 or so, got the bad heavy vibe. not good. i am going to try to go downtown today and discuss some thing with someone, if possible, about assistance, but right now, i have that "horrible" feeling that something isn't okay or someone else is depressed right now. not in danger i don't think. i think it's will. or whoever the twin is. i'm going to go to cafe and then call use going into d.c. if he's not working in town today. i need to be out of the house today and around people, even if my headphones are on. i just like getting work done and things figured out, with the energy of a lot of people around. it feels a little bit depressing, mabye for me, right now, to be here in the house alone. i am going to look for work bc i think possibly the steroid stuff helped a tiny bit. i wouldn't mind trying a little more, bc at first it burned and hurt WORSE but then, today, it sort of feels better. maybe a more direct injection or stronger stuff or something. it really triggered migraines for me, but otherwise, i think it worked better than over the counter stuff.

agitated, crimson tide, white lies like speck of bone
shaking wrists wet with water, washing away, washing away the
water lapping at the shore, like a dog to the wounds, kissing out
the cut and the towel for hands in the sand
break in the way, in the red sea
leading all the captives to freedom,
parting her hair with a comb, concha shell for telephone game
some walk through the desert where it is dry and some fly
some dive to the left and the right, hiding as they swim along the side.
breaststroke, breaststroke, breaststroke
flip, back to the other side with the
breaststroke, breaststroke, breaststroke
dripping with the sweat of the heat, beating back the current
you sat down and the chair broke in half
stunned and looking around at the friends who were laughing
at the practical joke
strange the hands of the clock and the one of fate that
will put you on a leash with the wait
a white coat to replace the one of many colors, threw yourself
in with the dogs. lemons for your tea.
slapped in the face, stood for something, even while swimming
back and forth, even standing on the platform for the hangman's noose
made a bet with God as someone else made a deal with the devil
threw it out, everything that made you king
to be the one they need

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