Monday, March 2, 2009

Mad At The "State" & CPS (copy of email exchange)

RE: Visiation‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 3/02/09 7:11 PM
To: Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson (


I do not have an address for mailing. I have not been receiving even the mail for which there WAS a regular mailing address. It was not coming to me, and I have witnesses agreeing they never saw a piece of mail for me.

If I were receiving my mail, I would have CDs and other important documents I need to prove violations of civil and constitutional rights.

I have told you I do not want email from YOU unless you can reciprocate the courtesy. Also, as I do not have a mailing address, you are not alleviated from your obligation to give me necessary documents if there is an available alternative. You have proven you know how to write a letter and send it by email and you could also send attachments or attach information yourself, to give me the information I need.

I am also completely unaware of any directive to go anywhere for substance abuse, when I've been working FT in this area and I do not have any history of substance abuse at any time in my life. I offered the state, long ago, to have an evaluation to prove I used the narcotics which were prescribed to me FOR PAIN and the state refused to do this, claiming I had to ADMIT I had a problem before they would allow the evaluation. Your department has never wanted the truth, you've only wanted to be RIGHT
and you've trampled my civil rights in the process.

I am more than happy to begin any UA testing the state wants. Send me whatever info you need and I will comply with this from here. You also have my phone number so a UA testing place can request, at any moment, my cooperation with a UA.

Secondly, I am getting an independent psychological evaluation done over here and I am more than happy to send the court the results. We will be paying for this independently and costs may exceed $1,000, however, I hope this will satisfy the court's requirement for an evaluation. I will send you all information about the psychologist and if you would like to provide this person with information of your own, let me know.

I am also coming to Washington, but because the state and department have a history of lying and engaging in patterns of behavior unbecoming to professionals, especially government workers, and because you first said you would set up a vistiation date for me and my fiance and you've gone back on your word, I would like to have your assurance that vistation can be scheduled quickly so I am able to see my son within a couple days of my arrival, and then catch my flight back to Maryland to complete some independent diagnostics and evidence I am gathering here, in support of my case against your department and in order to prove there were never grounds for the removal of my son and that you violated protocol when my son was never "at imminent risk of harm or danger."

Before, I was willing to move back to Washington permanently, and allow you to do whatever diagnosics you want to do. But at this point, you've made it clear, once again, that the state wishes to make things difficult, and it is therefore in my best interest, and in the best interests of my son, that I be able to both visit him and continue with evaluations in Maryland or the D.C. area, rather than in Washington state.

I need your assurance that if I come into town, you will be able to make arrangements for seeing my son within a day or two. If this isn't possible, how long do you think you would need? I need a firm answer about this and I will also speak to by telephone about this.

I'm also getting proof that I need marijuana for medicinal reasons, to prevent migraine, and that other than use of a drug, which I never used BEFORE you took my son (or I wouldn't have been in ER all the time for migraine), I have no history of substance abuse.

This is a case of my being severely injured in childbirth, with a forced birth when I was supposed to have a C-section. I did not USE narcotics before this, except for migraine treatment for pain, approved by DOCTORS. AFTER my injuries from childbirth, I DID require narcotic painkillers, because I had torn muscles and broken bones and a herniated disc. It is convenient for the same doctors who claimed they were not guilty of injuring me and my son, to also claim I never had pain. If I didn't have pain, why did they provide me with legal prescriptions for painkillers? I know Dr. Freed took one look at my X-ray and gave me narcotics for it. But no one in Wenatchee wanted to admit my pain was because of medical malpractice. They wanted to say I had no pain, and that my injuries were imaginary because, they claimed, I was "delusional", and therefore wanted to say I had no need for painkillers. Meanwhile, those same doctors were GIVING me narcotics, and REFUSING to do diagnostics to find out what the real problem was. I told Dr. Butler, after he kept prescribing narcotics, that didn't he think he should do a diagnostic to see what the source of pain was? instead of just giving me painkillers? which I never had enough of, and so was therefore always asking for better pain control? Doctos in Wenatchee refused to document my injuries because they knew I was going to sue them, but they thought they could pacify me by prescribing painkillers and not doing diagnostics or surgeries, and then wanted to turn it all around on ME and blame ME for THEIR PROBLEM.

Other than the claim I used narcotics, which is ridiculous given the circumstances, I was never using any other drug. The only drugs I used prior to the state's removal of my son, were DOCTOR-PRESCRIBED narcotics, and I ASKED them to give me something else instead, or to do diagnostics. I started going to Wenatchee for care and because everyone knew I was looking for a Seattle lawyer for med. malpractice, suddenly I was "crazy" and "drug seeking", and all of these claims came from the same doctors and medical professionals who were PISSED off that I was telling people what they'd done to me and my son and how they attempted to cover it up, by blaming ME.

As for alcohol, I have rarely had alcohol in my entire life. No one could accuse me of having a problem with alcohol when I've been intoxicated, just like you, while out with friends, a total of 10 or 20 times in my life. Other than that, maybe I've had a glass of wine with dinner, and I DID try a glass with medications while I was in pain from injuries, because I was in PAIN, not because I have a problem with alcohol. Stacy Stubblefied, and Dr. Butler, on the heels of my accusations they damaged me, told nurses in Wenatchee, right after my childbirth, that I was an alcoholic, when all Stacy had on me was the checked box for "social drinker". Since when does marking a medical box for "social drinker" become "alcoholic" unless someone is trying to discredit someone to make excuses for their own problem of being potentially SUED? I know the other midwife I had, Laurie Braunstein, asked me the exact same questions, and the box for "social or ocassional drinking" was marked. She didn't make additional assumptions or allegations that I was therefore an "alcoholic".

Unless the law has changed, having a couple of drinks now and then is acceptable behavior in the U.S. So is having a glass of wine before dinner. You're not going to find ONE witness who will ever say I abused alchohol. And yet you have made this false and slanderous claim about me, with zero evidence, claiming ONE post I made, about taking a glass of wine with medications made me an 'abuser" of substances. Get a fucking job.

Oh, and while looking for some other kind of work, which doesn't require your superior analytical and investigative skills, maybe you could let me know if the state will be "cooperating" with ME when I fly into town to visit my son, specifically.

I cannot be away from Maryland for more than one week at a time, due to ongoing work and evaluations I have over here. If you can make vistiation arrangements quickly, upon my arrival, I'd like to know.

Thanks again,


Subject: Visiation
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2009 11:47:21 -0800

Ms. Garrett,

I have made three attempts to return your call regarding visitation however the telephone number I have for you (360-201-4779) says your phone is not reachable message #6180. I also left you three messages regarding visitation on that phone number between 2/12 and 2/23. Unfortunately we will not be able to arrange for your visits to resume until you are in Washington State. Please notify me immediately upon your arrival in the state of Washington via telephone, in writing (not email) or in person and I will immediately set up a visit with your son.

Please remember that due to the history of your email communication with the Department I will not be accepting email communication from you. Email is not an acceptable way to communicate about case issues. Please update me as to your current mailing address and telephone number as soon as possible. My contact information is listed below including a toll free telephone number.

The Department would also like to remind you that the offer to provide a one way bus ticket to return to Washington State remains. If you wish to take advantage of this offer please notify me immediately via telephone or in writing (not email).

I will provide you with a list of providers for substance abuse and psychological evaluations in your area as soon as you provide me with your mailing address. Please remember that you can attend either of these evaluations with any publicly funded provider in your area should you decide to obtain government medical coverage (medical coupons). The Department only asks that you notify us before attending any of these evaluations so you can sign a release and we can provide them with background information.

Thank you for your time, take care and please return to Washington State as soon as possible.

Michelle Erickson, MSW

Social Worker III

Division of Children and Family Services

805 South Mission Street

Wenatchee, WA 98801

Phone: (509) 667-6118 (800) 243-8881

Fax: (509) 664-6358

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